Friday, February 28, 2020
If I Could Create True Poetry... And Other Poems By Donovan Baldwin... Written January 15, 2020
If I could create true poetry,
Wordless it would have to be,
Thoughts only possible within
This old poet's heart and mind,
Memories, experiences, wishes,
Beyond the bounds of language,
Which can never be found as marks
Upon pages which pass away with time.
touch with lustful hands
embrace with demanding arms
kiss with fevered lips
warm my mouth with yours
stain my lips with your kisses
color of nectar
welcoming mistress
swelling bosom of the sea
ocean memory
what finer pillow
than my dear love's own soft breast
where i rest my heart
sing your song once more
the soft sweet one that won me
when first i heard it
- Copyright February 2020 by Donovan Baldwin
Labels: donovan baldwin, haiku, kisses, mistress, poems, poetry, touch
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Blushes not at
Its being bare,
For that is a
Sharing of its
The purpose
It was created for.
It blushes at
The happy joy
And ardent love
Upon the face
Of the gardener,
Who loves it
So intently.
cannot help sadness
it's a part of who i am
wait for it to pass
and still it flows this
stream of time and memory
which hides the future
pounded by the surf
awash in sensual tides
open ecstasy
Perhaps the sky has made me gray today
Painted me with today's dawn colors
Of mist and smoke, left me wanting
The true rising of the sun,
My favored glows and growing
Pinks and purples and burning golds,
Which give way to bright blue skies
And a few floating clouds for accent.
i'm walking talking
scattering my ideas
in all directions
see with my glad eyes
the vision you are to me
and smile as you do
voices pass away
into old realities
born new memories
kiss me till i tire
whenever that may occur
in some distant age
Labels: donovan baldwin, flower, haiku, kiss, memory, naked, poems, poetry
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
For my tears
Have all been spent,
For important things,
Dreams and death and
Departed dogs,
And relatives,
I suppose,
For what is life but
A succession of losses
And the rise of memories?
tonight make love in
our favorite position
and take our sweet time
ribbons of my words
wound about your willing body
caress your desires
she brings me pleasure
as if her thoughts were magic
touching my desires
no cold kiss for us
we set lips and hearts aflame
in our world of fire
my woman goddess
mature no naive virgin
she knows how to love
trembling in the wind
passion blows through your body
beneath my touches
seduce me simply
be yourself within my arms
touch my lips with yours
- Copyright February 2020 by Donovan Baldwin
Labels: desires, dogs, donovan baldwin, dreams, love, make love, poems, poetry
Monday, February 24, 2020
softer than my dreams
warmer than my heart's desires
very real woman
neath so many stars
high roof of nature's boudoir
make love by moonlight
Speak not to me,
Of what "man" is or is not,
For each of these homonids,
So difficult to define
Or understand,
Is different...
From neighbor,
From stranger,
From yesterday's self,
From another century's ancestor,
From future progeny...
From 6 AM this morning.
How did it happen?
What does it mean?
Two different questions,
Yet, two sides of one coin,
Perhaps, for, so much of existence,
Must, for we humans,
Be explained...
In its origins and antecedents
And our predictions and
I've heard it said that perception is reality. David Hume differentiates between essentially outward perceptions, which he calls "impressions", and, essentially inner perceptions, which he calls "ideas". Both are perceptions, and both can rule us.
hoofbeats like drumbeats
history's heartbeats happen
begin the story
Tale of Two Cities,
An early adventure tale for me,
I read of the stage
"lumbering up Shooter's Hill".
Even then the poet
I latched on those words,
And, years later, 1981,
In a 4 cylinder Opel,
Lumbered up Shooter's Hill,
In awe of tracing Dickens'
Fictional coach, and,
That my own ancient chariot,
Had made it.
Claude Du Val, the highwayman,
Stopped the Highgate stage,
Gentlemanly sort of thief,
I'm told, by the ladies,
Lightened of their valuables,
And, perhaps of a few sighs,
For he was a polite and gallant lad,
Or so I'm told, although,
A gent, lightened of their purse
Seems to think otherwise.
I don't want to die,
But I,
Will raise my hand again,
Take the oath,
And then,
Shoulder pack and rifle,
Move forward,
Do not trifle,
For I am veteran,
Woman, man,
Proud of what I was,
And will be again, because,
I belive in the oath I said,
So you sleep peacefully in bed.
i'm so far away
let me be there making love
touch yourself for me
Copyright February 2020 by Donovan Baldwin
Labels: David Hume, donovan baldwin, love, making love, moonlight, poems, poetry, self love, Tale of Two Cities, woman
Saturday, February 15, 2020
lady in your disarray
real and natural
imagine a kiss
the meeting of willing lips
open discussion
tongues transmitting thoughts
my moist mature murmurings
inner ideas
our mingled breaths
the mixed moisture of our mouths
caressing bodies
Can we say we "keep" time,
When it, fluid,
Likened to a river,
Flows past
No matter our efforts
At constraining it?
Or, do we merely mark time,
With arbitrary seconds and hours,
Which we mortals,
Prisoners of time,
Invented to measure
The dimensions of our cells?
She reclines as I read,
Immersed in suds and poetry,
Bathed by water and words,
Emollient elegies softening
Stiff, tired muscles of her soul,
Releasing restraints and,
Dozens of delayed desires as
My orgasmic orations
Leave her laying languidly
In anticlimactic afterglow.
wet your lips with wine
press them joyfully to mine
afterwards we dine
write between my lines
i'll read words you mean to say
loveliest of all
your passionate flames
lick the tinder of my soul
leaving it branded
say with soft fervor
the secrets you have hidden
so we can love them
what you did last night
you meant to be a secret
makes me love you more
Copyright February 2020 by Donovan Baldwin
Labels: donovan baldwin, kiss, love, poems, poet, poetry, time