Friday, October 06, 2023



 Sweet revelation

When dawn's loose robe falls open,

Splendid secrets loosed,

Bosom of the day above

Ecstasy's hidden entrance



fingers fluttering

almost too fast to follow...

summoning magic

i her student watch

learning her intricacies...

routes of her pleasure

slowly she guides me

giving wordless instructions...

gasps end the session


she's not a plaything

and yet she can be playful...

and there's a difference


not overwhelming

but always quietly there...

the way he loves her


in the night beneath the stars

we made the most intimate love...

without ever getting undressed


explore each other

lost within our wilderness...

private adventures


on soft blank pages

i write lascivious lines...

verse that sounds like you


so like the ocean

foams across a hidden reef...

my desire crashes


ready warrior

sword unsheathed standing before...

passion's mad onslaught


hear your silent song

writing how the words would sound...

if i could sing you


drop drop drop of words

she arches with joyful pain...

as poetry burns her

writhes beneath words

as the poet's candle drips...

ink which burns like wax

as our lips bind us

trails of burning poetry...

inflame new secrets


at last it's autumn

and all the trees are on fire...

glorious flames before dying


i write poetry

though my words thrill you inside...

you keep them secret


butterflies flutter

and a smile crosses her lips...

as his words tickle


By Donovan Baldwin

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