Thursday, April 06, 2023



By Donovan Baldwin

sharing our heartbeats

through contact of our bodies...

faster and faster


my fingers tickling

as she quivers with delight...

gasping out desires


in her secret place

a tickling of butterflies...

she would love to share


drinking droughts of love

beneath the forbidding stars...

sinning by moonlight


vibrations above

our love's sensory threshhold...

in a flowing stream


reaching out with words

for i fear one more heartbreak...

i want to love you


moon knows our secrets

and the tales of many loves...

night's silver voyeur


hands in rushing stream

bathed by love's flowing waters...

innocent pleasure


glancing back i see

dream departing with the dawn...

leaves a smile and winks


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Wednesday, April 05, 2023



By Donovan Baldwin

a sunshine woman

loved by a creature of storm...

never to be one


bring joy to sorrow

forgive all the lonely ones...

for you've been one too


might i love too much

giving more than she might give...

i don't believe so


hand in hand she guides

leads me to her sacred lands...

reveals rituals


Oddly different sensation,

You opening my petals,

Fingers wandering through my fields.

Yet, so pleasant to know

Something about me pleases you.

The way your gaze,

And then your fingers,

And, eventually, I hope,

Your lips,

Explore my fields,

And blossoms,

Excietes me,

Raises my


Reignites old fires,

Which have long become,

Mere embers hidden

In a field of

Dying flowers,

Which now seek

To bloom

Once more.


art may sometimes show

what the lover's mind perceives...

esoteric truths


between two hillocks

poet rests his weary head...

hand on her warm plain


i live without gods

mine departed years ago...

banished for their lies


revealing secrets

watching her dark rose unfold...

sparkling with honey


with all her freedoms

chooses to stay at my side...

free to be herself


among all freedoms

she'd gladly stand at my side...

free to be herself


that which passed between

lancelot and guinevere...

noble sins indeed


at work she's the boss

at home they are both equals...

sometimes she lets go


fragrant fantasy

mouth tasting once more her breaths...

kiss we've never had


in my mind and heart

you are unable to sin...

all you do is love


as if in a dream

caught by love's strong gravity...

orbit about you


searched within my words

found hidden a beating heart...

we touched each other


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Tuesday, April 04, 2023



By Donovan Baldwin

her deepest kisses

leave tastes of sin on my lips...

and desires for more


fearful of desires

but longing for their hot flames...

clutched her poet's hand


stirring her embers

she explodes in ecstasy...

thus he makes her whole


taught her not to fear

the heat of her own fires...

his heart in her flames


her blush fast rising

ahead of my passing lips...

a breeze of kisses


she weeps as she reads

his old tattered manuscript...

book of ancient scars


seeking not to hide

out of love before his eyes...

exposes her secrets


two soft voices blend

innocents in paradise...

flowers all they wear


poet who loves her

puts more than words in her mouth...

stretching to a smile


you can't see yourself

genuine wonder you are...

so i will show you


sitting and waiting

for whatever time may bring...

i'm ready for it


shadwos on the page

letters scattered off and hid...

poems meant for her


long i've shadowed you

secrets hidden among poems...

i hoped would trap you


now time draws away

only echoes surrond me...

and useless poems


yet i follow you

along the path you've chosen...

love's hope never dies


having made love

i set down pen and lift glass...

relive what i wrote



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Sunday, April 02, 2023



By Donovan Baldwin

her pent up desires

swore herself to keep hidden...

the secrets he sought


holds her lips apart

kiss beginning or at end...

open promises


i lost sight of love

just how brightly it can shine...

in the darkest hours


her colors arrive

touching my heart before spring...

our special season


memories wander

light and dark some good some bad...

sometimes bad ones stick


sometimes my old wounds

open beneath life's demands...

bleeding for a while


no peace or quiet

constant noise and vibration...

shattering my thoughts


near the train's too loud

fading into the distance...

leaves us quiet thoughts


a lover's question

does love end and lust begin...

can they coexist


with a small sadness

i quit following my dreams...

they never noticed


dancer transitions

urban gray to forest green...

vibrantly alive


i guess i shamed her

allowng her to see true me...

for she turned away


listen for her voice

all i can hear are footsteps...

as distant echoes


said she loved my words

yet never heard from again...

guess she forgot me


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