Saturday, August 04, 2018


Poem: Peace

By Donovan Baldwin

Blow wind, and drive away
Demons of earth and air.
They do confuse the minds of men,
And bring nearer the hot breath of death.

I seek not for myself,
Nor teach my children,
A hatred for "them",
Especially based only
On the fact that "they"
Live there and we live here,
Fearing us as we fear them.

I would offer out my hand,
And speak the word for "friend",
If "they" would/could do the same.

But, "they" don't trust me,
Although "they" have never met me.

My leaders say that "they" are evil,
Their leaders say the same of me.
I believe most are no more "evil",
Than you and I.

Perhaps the "leaders",
Theirs and mine,
Should go somewhere, and,
Have their own war,
And leave "us" out of it.

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