Thursday, May 11, 2017


Poem: I Know This Wind

By: Donovan Baldwin

I read a poem about the wind today,
I heard the song of a wind of yesterday,
In the words the poet wrote.

As I read the words and listened,
I thought, I know this wind.
This old friend from my childhood.

I remember leaning on the wind,
As it came across the bay,
And held me in its arms.

Its voice sang constantly in my ears,
Telling tales of faraway lands,
And, adventures unimaginable.

The wind showed its strength,
Shaking the trees and
Pushing clouds around the sky.

At night, as I lay in sweat-soaked bed,
It came through the window,
Cooling me and singing me to sleep.

Yes, I know this wind,
This dear old friend,
Of which the poet wrote.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2017


Poem: Earth Alive

By: Donovan Baldwin

Outside the window,
From the room where I sit,
A bit unwell, I watch
White herds of clouds,
Move casually across
The bright blue sky
As nearly gale-force winds,
Whip the limbs of mature trees,
As if they were saplings.

Tho' stuck inside today,
I am reminded that the Earth,
Is alive, always alive,
As I remember from my childhood,
When I roamed beach and woods,
Climbing trees to ride the winds,
Diving into the bay to explore,
Following the tracks of animals,
Listening to the calls or birds.

Yes, the Earth was alive,
And, still so much alive today,
But, it's reminding me that
My life is winding down.
I didn't used to be so still,
So sedentary, settled in my ways,
Existence controlled by pain,
As outside the window, the Earth
Reminds me that it is still alive.

Still, I remember the Earth as it was,
On other days when clouds galloped
Across leaden skies, ahead of storms,
As winds tore pieces of things apart,
And scattered them about,
Much more violently than today's winds.
The Earth doesn't remember me,
But, someday I will be part of the Earth,
And, perhaps if no one remembers me,
They will remember the Earth
I am a part of.

Who knows who I am watching
Play around outside the window?
I don't know who from the past
I am watching today, but,
I tip my hat as they blow past,
Remembering that the Earth is us,
And we are the Earth.
It is good to remember one another,
As I sit and watch out the window.

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