Friday, June 08, 2018


Poem: Conversation With The Moon

By: Donovan Baldwin

One night I wandered aimlessly as
Night fell on mountain, plain, and sea.

I sighed, and sadly sang a mournful tune,
Which caught the ear of Lady Moon.

Moon wondered why I sat so sad,
And, spoke her wish that I be glad.

"But, Lady Moon," I wept to say,
My dearest love is far away.

Miles and miles from me she sleeps,
Between the sands and ocean deeps.

I love her greatly, yet cannot go,
Kneel at her feet to tell her so."

Lady Moon glowed then silver-white,
And, said, "I see her every night.

She gazes in the sky for me,
Sees secret lover's words from Thee.

She keeps your words locked in her heart,
And, dreams of days you're not apart.

Then, pressing moonbeams to her breast
In peaceful slumber takes her rest.

As memories of your silver song,
Play in her dreams til night is gone.

When the Sun, she wakes to see,
Her first words are that she loves thee.

Copyright 2018

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