Friday, April 03, 2020



By Donovan Baldwin

moments of pleasure
our afternoon interludes
times of guiltless sin


falling leaves floating
side to side on autumn breeze
humming through the trees


my words messages
poems adrift on the sea
seeking your soft shores


Old customs leave us
To be missed a bit
Perhaps as memory.
My great aunt Lula always
Wore her "widow's weeds"
In public after uncle Irwin died.
Respecting his memory,
Widow in public,
Woman at home alone
In her simple floral dress,
Hair up in a bun,
Awaiting death.


Life is a two edged word
One edge is obvious,
The other is optional,
Less specific...
Yet one gives the other
To truly live
One must live.
Tricky word,
Those who understand...


humming an old song
near forgotten melody
wordless memory


her brilliant flower
love's sweetly scented blossom
in nature's garden


nature speaks to me
ancient tongue i understand
but cannot utter


I am never alone
For discourse I, at least,
Can see one side
Upon the page,
The words of,
Philosophers, and
Frivolous fools
Poets, potentates, and
And, as for company,
Your eyes upon me
In my imagined room,
Hand warm upon
My shoulder,
As I read.


Some own the land
On which I stand,
But none all that I see.

And for the ocean
I have the notion
It alone belongs to me.

Those with gems and rings
Own material things,
Which reside within my being

They'll never own
For they've never known
The poet's way of seeing.


strange though i may be
i am but poet at heart
sharing dreams in words


madly making love
lost in the moment's passion
our desires set free


who i am inside
lover of life sun and wind
i will share with you


Poetry Copyright 2020 By Donovan Baldwin
Art: Adam & Eve by Adriaen van der Werff

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Sunday, July 09, 2017


My Simple Rules For Life

By Donovan Baldwin

I like to lead a simple life.

I enjoy nature, classical art, including Greek sculpture, classical & country western music, and reading...all kinds of stuff: Sci-Fi, Mysteries, Non-Fiction. Pretty eclectic.

I don't have a lot of rules of life, at least not a lot of ones I actually try to live by. I do try to follow the laws and customs of the country or land where I find myself.

Most of the rules I DO try to live by are pretty simple.

Don't hurt people.
Help people.
Keep your word.
Honor your promises.
Respect the beliefs of others.

Simple stuff, with, yes, room for modification if reality requires me to do so.

I respect the beliefs of others, but, I kind of hope they respect mine. One of these is, "My house, my rules." I won't get angry if you don't like the way I do things in my house, but, I will if you give me a hard time about my house. You're free to say whatever you your house. We're both free to either try to work it out, or go home.

If I offend, and you're not sure if I intended to, then that's proof I did NOT intend to offend, mislead, or hurt. If I do intend to offend, you will know because, it will probably be private, unless you make it public, and I will make sure you understand.

"Mislead" or "hurt"? Yeah, those are probably going to be accidental. I try to be honest about who and what I am, and, if something pops up that bothers you, it just wasn't covered yet. I would have told you if you had asked.

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