Monday, January 06, 2025



By Donovan Baldwin

“We are, each of us, a multitude. I am not the man I was this morning, nor the man of yesterday. I am a throng of myself queued through time. We are, gentle reader, each a crowd within a crowd.”

- Josiah Bancroft, Arm of the Sphinx


I've learned many lessons from life. One is said above, "I am not the man I was this morning, nor the man of yesterday."

Who I am has changed innumerable times over the last 7.9 decades of my life. In fact, who I am can change "in a heartbeat" as we used to say in the army, or lack of one.... heartbeat, that is.

I can look back at myself, or old television shows, and see how much the world has changed, and how much I have changed... not always in sync with the world.

I'm not simply older, wiser (?), achier, grumpier, or more accepting of the inevitable death and taxes. I recognize the differences between us as not having to separate us, and that accepting and understanding those differences does not require me to change who I am... although they will... and so will I.

So the inevitable facts of life have "changed" for me... death, taxes, change.


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Sunday, November 24, 2024




As often happens, I was thinking about things I have experienced, encountered, and, sometimes, learned (rightly or wrongly) in my 73 years on this planet.

"Change" is the word that popped into my mind at first.

I have seen so much change, in knowledge, customs, technology. Things which were only imagined when I was a child are real today. Things which WE, at that time, could NOT imagine happening, have occurred, become reality, and will continue to.

We change. Societies change. Even the Earth changes.

Still the thing that really struck me, was, despite 73 years on that changing Earth, despite a college education, work experience in many different fields at many different levels, despite life experiences (direct and indirect) of all kinds, despite an intense interest in everything around me, there is so much I do NOT know.

There is so much out there, still to be learned.

Perhaps that's why I tend to take a step back from certain discussions where the intent seems to be to beat one's "opponent" into submission. like knights in armor, too heavy to be graceful, even about killing, who must be declared "winner" based on sheer weight and number of blows.

While I DO have my personal beliefs, and take my stands based on what I feel is right, I still haven't learned enough to be ready to tell everybody else they're wrong.

Not even in another 73 years.

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Thursday, January 18, 2018


My Goal Is NOT To Change You

By: Donovan Baldwin

When I first put my comments here, on Blogger and social media, independent comments as opposed to comments on other comments, I was not sure what my goal was.

I wanted to write, and I wanted someone to read what I wrote, but, I had no larger goal than that.

Then, "that" happened. I HAD readers, and I was faced with a new choice.

Should I use these platforms to exercise mind control over my readers, amuse and amaze them, or, with blinding words and brilliant wit, offer them advice on how to live their lives (the big temptation)?

After some thought (I won't tell you how much or how little), I decided that I like you pretty much the way you are, and don't really have any major desire to change you.

Yet, that "advice" thing still nudged at the back of my mind, and my ego. So, after some thought, I decided to mainly talk about me and my thoughts, my musings, errant and otherwise, and out loud. I could tell you what I was feeling, thinking, remembering, and, if you liked it, you could respond or move on.

What I have found is that a lot of what I say resonates...not with everyone or every time, but, one human telling a story about themselves reminds another of a similar story, or provokes a thought about life or self.

Kind of like neighbors at the back fence chatting.

I like that.

I like hearing from friends.

Join me?

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017


To Change Our Lives

By Donovan Baldwin

We are often told, that to change our lives, we need to change something in it.

Well, I suppose I can agree with that in principle.

However, it may not be necessary to change yourself.

Question: What if you are everything you need to be, and someone or something shows up that changes the dynamic of your life?

We tend to suppose that, if things are not going "right" then we are "wrong" somehow. It might not be so. Maybe you just need the right person, or thing, or thought, or whatever, in your life.

There could be a huge turnaround without you having to "change" a thing about yourself, right?

I guess what I'm trying to say, is, if things are "wrong" in your life, maybe it's not your fault. Maybe "life" is wrong.

Maybe, somewhere, there's a something, or a someone, which will make your life "right".

Don't blame yourself. It might not be you.

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