Saturday, August 24, 2024



some secret pictures

taken from a secret place

reveal her secrets


her hands harvesting

summer rains of her desires

her lover arrives


man seeks to return

to the font from which he sprang

taste its salt sea tang


she has found her place

within my mind's wild pleasures

necessary to them


your body my page

skin quivers beneath my pen

as words come alive


gasp of excitement

words like eager butterflies

fill her with pleasure


from its hidden place

she selects a pleasure toy

and one of his poems


a story for her

rousing and erotic tale

she has often dreamed


always at her side

he helps explore her dark desires

the fuel for her fires


as lace revealed her

she recognized the woman

she was meant to be


two starving lovers

savor a feast of amour

their private banquet


i remind myself

i'm too old to feel this way

yet again i do


aloft upon your gale

soar as slow and steady winds

erupt into a gale


left so far apart

best stars of the universe

different galaxies


last scrap covering falls

steps naked into her new love

adventure awaits


what's me without you

how empty would be my shell

if i can't have you


Original Poetry By Donovan Baldwin

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