Sunday, January 07, 2024
Path I create with its deceitful web
Verses strung across the road you tread.
Each whispered word, each stroke of pen,
To guide you to the gate, to lure you in.
Mysteries and riddles in my rhymes,
Secrets soft as the tinkling of chimes,
Hidden in remarks on day and night,
Words change meanings by candlelight.
Through the lines hints of longing flow,
As if recalling some time long ago,
When you and I with souls on fire,
Lived lives of love and sated mad desire.
A dark when embers rose up bright and high,
And your blaze burst out a wordless cry.
In silver moonlit streams shadows interlaced,
In most loving ways they are embraced.
All these secrets hidden in the ink
The spaces which provide a vital link.
With key in hand unlock the poet's gate,
Heart unravels mysteries I create.
Find the clues, the secrets that lie hidden,
Walk the path to pleasures long forbidden.
Your hand bold within this poet's grip,
Come with me upon love's joyous trip.
You and I seek love's eternity,
Hidden in my poems there lies a key.
Step into the trap if you will only dare
Cage your heart with mine within my snare.
Let tapestry fall, hiding us away,
As in secret our love games we play.
Our story passed along from age to age,
We two forever joined in love's dear cage.
Copyright January 7, 2024 by Donovan Baldwin
Labels: donovan baldwin, love, poem, poetry