Tuesday, August 20, 2019



I will not fix you,
For you are not broken.
You see yourself that way,
But, I do not.
Yes, perhaps.
Battered, bruised...
As we all are to some extent.
Our uniqueness deceives us.
We are different,
Yet, in our unique way,
And, in that way,
We are the same.


forgive my desire
showing me your naked mind
is so seductive


so much fire in you
flames you hide afraid to show
i can feel your heat


your skin upon mine
lovers' natural embrace
body to body

more intimacy
beyond sexual actions
absorbing, sharing

our aching desires
withheld, this moment's pleasures,
gains us ecstasy


naughty lad i am
yet, that's who I am and stay
no fun otherwise


how much do i love?
i would give up even you
to make you happy.


don't mess with coffee
for me just beans and water
a touch of sweetness


aroused by sunrise
turning to your warm embrace
wakening touches


walking hand in hand
hip to hip... our bodies pass
sly loving touches


blinded by beauties
perhaps only i can see
as real as others


with all my senses
your touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound
fill myself with you


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