Saturday, September 21, 2024
And from my own sins
Injuries and aches
A part of life we endure
On the path to
Becoming ourselves
between cloth and skin
she will gladly let him in
her private playroom
amazing inner burst
that which is release to her
flowing from her body
the love i've given
so much i've lavished and lost
never to be returned
did you really love
or simply need me to love
pretend mine was ours
what most will say
to make you believe they love
will be changed later
what i said i'd do
the way i said you would be loved
is what i will do
reached the end of love one day
learned that i still had more to give
even to those who never loved me
mortal man of pain and love
met a goddess of love and pain
and each made the other whole
so often you've appeared
in guises of many women
whom i loved and watched
as you've walked away
leaving me wondering
if and when and how you
would truly manifest
savory as sea water
sensual as seasonal tides
stroking our senses
you're not asking sins
just a partner to explore
pleasure's many paths
inner sun warms her
her juices begin to flow
as his dawn rises
afraid of that first step
she grasps his hand for support
safely uncertain
my hand grasping yours
you dare to submit yourself
to loving desires
touch of lips and tongue
bringing her sweet bloom to life
with its' crystal dew
how your beauty shines
desires polished and refined
by love's many touches
too long others' toy
a moment of salvation
handed her own heaven
a room with a stranger
kinky secret thing she did
remembered forever
that's a lovely smile
although it's not meant for me
i'm glad i saw it
i didn't need a yes
as long as there was maybe
i was willing to stay
Labels: donovan baldwin, erotic poetry, love poems, poems, poetry, romantic poems, saints