Saturday, January 04, 2020



How near has the wolf been seen,
The silver marauder beneath the moon,
Hunter of lost souls,
Harbinger of doom,
Wood spirit of a nameless god?
If you hear his voice,
The night song,
Listen long and learn,
The secret of his sadness,
And the end of his freedom,
For that is his doom.


a pink cloud morning
pastel promises written
upon sky and mind


fingers upon the strings
chords set for your loving song
i begin to play


my movable feast
served steaming with your desire
dripping love's flavors


written in the stars
two would meet and fall in love
yet be kept apart


loving in the night
warm lips and hot caresses...
but only a dream


madness of my love
fills all my reality
with visions of you


So many if they knew you
In the deep and honest ways I do,
Would pine for you,
Crave your touch and kisses,
Ask for a moment of your time
The caress of your attention,
The touch and kisses,
Time and attention,
That I too crave,
And seek to claim.


come sit beside me
take a moment to hold me
watching the sunset


Light the death fire
Over the grave
Of the one long gone,
Sing the song of sorrow,
Notes of sadness
Carried upon
The night wind,
To wherever
Shades still walk.
Tilt up the bottle,
Drink to the passing,
And, our past,
Pouring the last ounce
Upon their buried breast,
As we depart
Carrying the empty bottle,
And our empty hearts,
Back to the living.


where do love songs go
when the music is silenced
and the heart is still


breathe in my sad sighs
cover my hands with kisses
turn sadness to smiles


in our private world
when our two hearts are touching
time does not exist


time does bend me friend
but i've not been broken yet
our game continues


Old guy in a flannel shirt,
Gray hair and beard,
Lined and marked,
By misadventures,
Years of woods and wind,
Surf and sand and sangria,
Stories of daring do,
Tales of exploits,
A few lies among them,
Your job to decide,
Which is which,
And who I really am,
Before the bottle's empty.


Dying daylight lingers
Before the black mirror,
Her crimson sashes,
Adorned with bright
Diamonds, stars,
Sprinkled across,
Her ebony dress,
Swirling in the air,
Grooming her face,
The moon,
By its reflection,
In the resting sea.


Copyright January 2020 by Donovan Baldwin

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Sunday, December 25, 2011


Brother Wolf - Original Poem by Donovan Baldwin

By: Donovan Baldwin

Ears lift in greeting to the voice of his companion, the wind,
The lean and silver beast turns now to black as day's fire dies.

He stands his watch alone, testing the air for the elusive scents,
Which tell as much to him, as a written page can tell a man.

So silent and so still, and completely part of the land on which he stands.

A king he is.
More a king than any king of man might be.

He guards the wisdom passed in his blood from countless ancestors,
Living as he must always live...wild and free.

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