Saturday, January 18, 2025
We've searched and all agree.
He's gone, his cloak on river bank
His lyre beside a tree."
One by one they nodded, said,
"His recent songs were sad,
But once they kept us dancing,
Full of life, so warm and glad."
They never knew the sorrow,
That the singer bore within,
The sad dreams that beset him,
Not betrayed by happy grin.
Year by year the darkness grew
His Muse dimmed and went away,
Light and color faded slowly
'Til he only saw in gray.
Still he sang for other's gladness,
As his happiness grew dim,
Hastened by the knowledge,
That no one sang for him.
Then came the day the singer
No longer could be found,
Just his lyre beside a tree,
His coat upon the ground.
If you enjoy a singer's song,
Accept it and be glad.
Just remember that the singer's heart,
Might within be dark and sad.
One thing that may give happiness,
To a soul that's growing dim,
Is knowing that somewhere someone,
May sing a song for him.
Labels: donovan baldwin, poem, poetry, sadness, singer
Sunday, June 03, 2018
Poem - Where My Mind Wanders
Where my mind wanders, I must go,
Down darkened alleys,
With wet cobblestones,
Reeking of the garbage,
Of the human race
Into the blazing light,
Of the most glorious
And wondrous thoughts,
And actions of,
That same strange species.
One moment, ink to angels,
Another of the most demonic breed,
Brothers and sisters,
Capable of the sublime,
Or of slaughter,
Of innocents.
My torn mind is one with
All of theirs, and,
So, I must follow
Recording, for history,
For myself,
And for all others,
Of our breed.
Able to choose kindness,
And love, we choose,
Destruction and pain.
Able to choose the worst,
We choose the best.
Oh, what a tangled mass,
Of humanity and inhumanity
We are, and yet,
Somehow, with fits and starts,
Moving forward into some
Unknown oblivion,
Which will be recorded,
By the historian of man,
This unblind poet, who follows,
Blindly, recording all
The humanity and inhumanity
Of fellow man,
Doomed to write about,
All that is seen and sensed,
Where my mind wanders.
November 2017
Labels: donovan baldwin, humanity, inhumanity, kindness, mind wanders, poem, poet, poetry, sadness, slaughter, sorrow, sublime