Wednesday, November 22, 2023
The freedom to be bound only by your own desires and the desires of the one you choose to share your freedom with.
The freedom to use your body fully, in any manner you choose or allow, in the expression of your love.
The freedom to be, do, have, give yourself in any manner that pleases and completes you.
The freedom to expect love, respect, no matter the path, passion, person or persons you choose to love.
The freedom to leave behind, perhaps with sadness, those who cannot understand your right to these freedoms.
- Copyright November 22, 2023 by Donovan Baldwin
Labels: donovan baldwin, freedom, poem
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Poem: Her New Freedom
She has loosened
Ties and stays,
Opening herself
To new daring,
Bathed by the waves,
Of an ocean of freedom,
Relishing sun and wind,
Upon her body,
And her mind,
Joining me joyfully,
Hand in hand,
Heart to heart,
As we walk
The beaches of Eden,
Labels: donovan baldwin, freedom, love, poem, poetry
Monday, October 22, 2018
Poem: My Dancer
I watch her in my mind,
As she dances for me,
Body beautiful in
Its loving movements,
Arching, swaying, speaking,
Of freedom, happiness, joy,
And love... offered
And accepted,
With smile,
As she dances,
To our hearts' song.
October 2018
Labels: dance, dancer, donovan baldwin, freedom, love, poem, poetry
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
With Freedom Comes Obligations
I believe in freedom, but also that with freedom comes obligation.
For example, I like being free to walk down the street, but, I feel obliged to NOT walk through my neighbor's flower bed, or pick the vegetables they have planted and worked to grow.
I feel that demanding freedom as a natural right, means that I believe that everyone else has the same right.
Granting that, I feel that they too should recognize and honor obligations.
Unfortunately, because of so many factors in us humans; differences in upbringing, culture, religion, other beliefs, etc., we don't always recognize the same freedoms, and, even when we do, not always the same obligations.
This is easier in a relatively small tribe.
Boss made the rules and enforced them with fear. Maybe a shaman, or elder, acted as spiritual head, reinforcing rules, teaching common values. All members of that small tribe believed and acted the same, Or faced the same consequences. But, even then, there could be a "glitch in the Matrix".
Someone would steal, kill, rape, molest; and, the tribe, usually through chief, or shaman, or council took action, often swift, violent, and lethal.
Diversity is wonderful, but, as freedom creates obligations, diversity creates other considerations, too.
So, we have laws and agree to abide by them. Abiding by proper laws gives us freedom, to a degree. Life's never perfect, and freedom is never entirely free.
Labels: donovan baldwin, freedom, liberty, obligations