Saturday, March 01, 2025
Thinking Out Loud:
I recently bought a book with an interesting title at a second hand book store. Of course, I read some snippets before deciding I wanted to know more. Also, since it was only $4.99, why not?
As I began reading, I was pleased to find the author's presentation interesting, engaging, logical, and lucid. However, as I progressed, I noticed two "negative" things.
First, his position in many instances was antithetical to mine, and second, he had some very telling arguments for HIS side.
Bummer, dude.
My first instincts were frustration and anger, and I was tempted to put the book aside, sell it back to the bookstore.
However, I thought about it.
In exercise, and running is a good example, and I was once able to run 6 miles/9.65 km, we often hit what some refer to as "the wall". We become stronger by going through that wall.
Our body reaches a new reality for itself, and we discover that we are able to do more than before. We can also become healthier through this process.
If I do not exercise not only my body, but also my mind, my beliefs, and positions, how can I be sure of their validity and strength?
In the army, one lesson was that I can do a lot more than I think I can. In learning and intellectual growth, we become stronger by meeting challenges and working past them. I can do better than quit when things get tough.
So, I guess I'll read my way through "the wall" with that book, rather than throwing it AT the wall.
I recently bought a book with an interesting title at a second hand book store. Of course, I read some snippets before deciding I wanted to know more. Also, since it was only $4.99, why not?
As I began reading, I was pleased to find the author's presentation interesting, engaging, logical, and lucid. However, as I progressed, I noticed two "negative" things.
First, his position in many instances was antithetical to mine, and second, he had some very telling arguments for HIS side.
Bummer, dude.
My first instincts were frustration and anger, and I was tempted to put the book aside, sell it back to the bookstore.
However, I thought about it.
In exercise, and running is a good example, and I was once able to run 6 miles/9.65 km, we often hit what some refer to as "the wall". We become stronger by going through that wall.
Our body reaches a new reality for itself, and we discover that we are able to do more than before. We can also become healthier through this process.
If I do not exercise not only my body, but also my mind, my beliefs, and positions, how can I be sure of their validity and strength?
In the army, one lesson was that I can do a lot more than I think I can. In learning and intellectual growth, we become stronger by meeting challenges and working past them. I can do better than quit when things get tough.
So, I guess I'll read my way through "the wall" with that book, rather than throwing it AT the wall.
Labels: author, bookstore, donovan baldwin, essay on reading, poet, reading, secondhand bookstore