Saturday, January 04, 2025



Really thinking about sleep this morning. I could use a little more myself.

For most of us, sleep is something we do without thinking too much about it throughout our entire lives, from the moment we are born until the moment we are finally laid to rest.

In fact, during an average life span, a person spends the equivalent of 27 years asleep!

Sleep is such a natural thing that most of us usually don't give it much thought. When we do take the time to think about sleep, it's usually because we feel we haven't gotten enough of it, or because we feel we need more than what would be considered a normal amount of sleep.

Despite our daily tendency to take sleep for granted, it really is a fairly controversial topic. There are many different opinions about the subjects of why we sleep, how much sleep we should be getting each day, where we sleep, what makes the ideal sleep environment, why we don't sleep enough and why we sleep too much...just to name a few.

A few of these questions are answered at

Donovan Baldwin

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