Tuesday, December 31, 2024




Happy New Year 2025
I'm 79 [80 in 2024], and I'm going to be a year older in March. I know that it's easy, and fun, to try to imagine the new year better than the old one, but, the fact is, and it took me years, decades, to learn this... not just know it, but to feel it in my being... each day is the start of a new year.

The New Year, a fun thing to think about and celebrate, is just a date on a calendar arbitrarily drawn up by long dead humans who did not understand it themselves.
If you want to be "better", start tomorrow... the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd, etc. Any day can be the start of a new future.
You will make mistakes, you will take two steps forward and one back, but, you can keep moving towards your goals. You don't need a new calendar year to get started.
Happy New Year... day, week, month, year... life.


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Monday, December 30, 2024



Arthur Conan Doyle
The shadows behind me,
Haunting me for decades
Conan-Doyle, Steinbeck,
Chesterton, White,
Burroughs and Tuttle,
Carrol and Milne,
The Lone Wolf,
And Nero Wolfe,
Bulldog Drummond and Doc Strange,
Shell Scott and Travis McGee,
Tarzan and Kazan,
The cold rings about 
Unknown planets, and
Unknown heroes who died alone,
Believing it was worth the price,
And those you've never heard of,
And I've forgotten who in passing,
Managed to help me become who I am.


one by one words end
one by one their echoes cease
poet is alone


what purpose words
but for inflicting pain
upon myself


gods deserted me
left me only echoes
of empty poems


promises wither
I've a garden full of those
weeds and dead roses


i said i love you
words i meant with all my heart
spoken from my prison


in my life I've known
broken bones and broken heart
the one heals faster


she reached out for me
i had no hands to touch her
love fell between us


i would promise all
I've so little left to give
all i am is yours


easily given
promises are brittle things
easily broken

for many decades
i've collected promises
in memory's bin

the tiny pieces
left when each one fell apart
so sharp they drew blood


came to him naked
all she owned was left behind
her mind and arms open


moon's silver slivers
whispered indecent proposals
among naked trees


here's the only rule
do to my heart what you will
but you must mean it


your clothes discarded
you cuddle up on my lap
bare skins caressing


she's quite flexible
bending herself to shared whims
mutual desires


touched her in those ways
she only dreamed of knowing
until she met him


yes for love indeed
and mutual adventures
with a select few


a gracious hostess
spreads herself on his table
entrée and dessert




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Saturday, December 28, 2024



This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional.


Managing blood sugar involves a multi-faceted approach that focuses on:

Important Note: This information is for general knowledge and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on managing your blood sugar. They can assess your individual needs and create a comprehensive management plan tailored to your specific situation.


For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional. This information is for general knowledge and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. This information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or condition. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions related to your health.


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Friday, December 27, 2024



whatever you've done
call it sin or otherwise
i'm glad i found you


strokes of poetry
words thrust within her pages
fill her with meanings


you appeared i smiled
smile that faded as you did
leaving me alone


once my words have burned
not even ashes remain
of love they contained


when the words all fade
and I've but one poem left
i'll write it for you


when i needed you
somehow the universe knew
and brought me to you


as if a goddess
you seat yourself beside me
creating heaven


the things she taught
to arouse and satisfy
still good memories


soldier poet prey to
siege of temporary lust
wages battle with words


the words she lets fall
trash to her - treasure to him
turned into poems


she prepared herself
stripped and lay upon the slab
for the sacrifice


By Donovan Baldwin


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Thursday, December 26, 2024



By Donovan Baldwin

When heart attacks happen we often are not sure why.  Of course, we understand that certain conditions exist that can predispose us to them, but are there actual "heart attack triggers"?

Well, yes there are.  In fact, we are not surprised to hear this, as Hollywood has used the ploy for decades, and many of us either know someone who has experienced an episode after some event...or maybe have had our own experience.

One night a few years ago, I did a series of stupid things and a few hours later was in the emergency room at the local hospital with atrial fibrillation...not a heart attack per se, but close enough for me.  While I am at risk genetically for this type of event, it was probably precipitated by the stupid acts earlier in the day.

Not all heart attack triggers are the result of stupidity, however.  Sometimes life puts us in the way of the heart attack express, and a recent study, the results of which were reported in <a href="http://www.thelancet.com/" target="_new">The Lancet</a>, has looked into this.

So, what did the study find were the top six heart attack triggers?

1.  Traffic:  Wow!  Big surprise, right?  It doesn't seem to matter, by the way, if you are the driver, a passenger, or riding a bike.  Previous studies have shown that people who work from home and avoid traffic, seem to be healthier even though they may actually work more hours.  Now, don't skip the trip to the grocery, it's a matter of daily exposure and predisposition.  You have to be ready to HAVE a heart attack for traffic to cause it.  However, the daily "rush" (read: sitting in traffic) hour can produce cumulative stress, and, as one researcher has pointed out, in today's world, stress can be considered a universal risk factor for a hell of a lot of health problem...including heart disease.

2.  Physical Activity:  Okay, we're talking "exertion" here.  A stroll around the neighborhood is probably not going to be a deadly event.  In fact, regular exercise can help protect against heart disease and heart attack.  However, if your heart is NOT healthy, or if you are predisposed to a heart attack, physical exertion "could" be a heart attack trigger for you.

3.  Coffee and Alcohol Consumption:  Here's a twist.  In moderate quantities, these two popular drink choices can actually be good for you and protect your heart!  Two cups of coffee a day (early in the day so as not to interfere with sleep), or a couple of glasses of wine, can not only help keep your heart healthy but keep your body younger and your brain more nimble.  However, consumption at higher levels over some time can produce health problems and can precipitate a heart attack.

4.  Air Pollution:  Over time environmental stressors can produce negative health conditions.  The person who is already at risk for a heart attack, however, can be pushed over the edge by air pollution.  Studies have shown that air pollution triggers 4.75 percent of heart attacks among those vulnerable,  This is a relatively low percentage, but, since air pollution is pervasive, there are a great many people at more risk than they imagine.  It's not my fault, by the way, I have driven a Prius since 2006.  Oddly enough, some experts recommend eating the Mediterranean Diet to help cut down on risk from this source.  I'm not sure why the Mediterranean Diet is so important, although it is a healthy way to eat.  I'll have to look deeper into that.

5.  Emotions:  The funny thing is, you would think that positive emotions, such as being happy are a lot less likely to precipitate a heart attack than being mad.  As a fact, strong emotions, good or bad, increase adrenaline output, heart rate, and the stickiness of red blood cells.  These, when combined can trigger heart attack in a susceptible individual. There's still a good reason you should try to experience more positive emotions to ward off heart attacks.  More positive emotions will commonly result in more balanced heart rhythms than negative emotions.  Unbalanced, or disrupted, heart rhythms are a contributing factor in some heart attacks.

6.  Sex:  Hey, it's an intense physical and emotional activity that raises blood pressure and heart rate.  The risk is small, compared to some other heart attack triggers.  The good news is that being in good physical condition (hint: get some other regular exercise as well).

Story:  I had a friend whose husband was the night manager for a hotel in Austin, TX.  One night, he got an emergency call from a room occupied by an elderly couple.  The husband had suffered a fatal heart attack at...shall we say...a very stressful moment (see #6 above).  Later, the manager had to put together the bill and present it to the new widow.  He noticed that one of the last items was an X-rated movie the couple had apparently been "watching" at the fateful moment.


Be physically fit and make healthy lifestyle choices.  Simple things such as regular exercise, healthy eating, good sleep, and stress reduction (think: meditation, yoga, or prayer) can help protect you from the heart attack triggers mentioned above. 


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Wednesday, December 25, 2024



a dying poet

cares less for the end of days

than the end of words


she said she'd turn me on

if i told her my desires

i whispered her name


he's tried so often

to write words that tell the world

how much he's loved her


the beauty's in you

you're the one who cannot see

what i try to reveal


poet writes outside the lines

defies tradition


with sweet ink she writes

poetry upon petals

meant to be tasted


i long to hold you

have you stay within my arms

forever and more


she is too open

for the others to accept

so she turns to me


at others' beck and call

I've never belonged to me

wanted for who i am


made aware so often

i accept my worthlessness

in the eyes of the world


once wrote poetry

it began to sadden me

so the urge left me


the last thing i love

has now become a burden

i can no longer bear


wait beside the tracks

for the train that never comes

the one bearing love


no one can give me

what the fates have so decreed

will never be mine


a whole life I've spent

wishing for someone to care

but it's too late now


By Donovan Baldwin


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Tuesday, December 24, 2024



By Donovan Baldwin

I just read a story about 15-year-olds who didn't know their own address.

Made me think of a U.S. Army Platoon Sergeant I used to work with at Fort Hood, Texas.

This man was the most "squared away" soldier you could imagine, but, his whole life was the Army. He knew, could perform, or teach just about any soldier skill.

Take him blindfolded into the field, turn him loose, and he could find his way back.

One morning, he called me up, "My car's won't start. Can you pick me up on your way in?"

Me, "Sure, Dave, where do you live?"

Then he started telling me to turn at this store, go so many blocks, turn right, go some more blocks, turn at the big bush, etc....

I was losing track of all the turns, so, I said, "Just give me your address. I know that part of town."

He said, "No" and started over with the turn-by-turn directions.

Again, I stopped him and just asked for the address.

He refused and started on the directions again.

Again, I asked for the address.

Finally, he exploded, "I don't KNOW my damned address!!! I'll have to go ask my wife."

...Which he did, and I found his house no problem.

Got a couple more Dave stories... maybe another time, like the time he didn't follow my instructions and turn left at the brown cow, and got our platoon lost.

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Monday, December 23, 2024



the prettiest bloom
naked nymph among blossoms
beside love's ocean


shy she wears a mask
unaware her beauty shines
overwhelming me


soft and sweet her smile
dark eyes full of messages
she hopes i will see


a fantasy cat
a tale set in another land
a poet loved her

poet sought the words
that would break the evil spell
cast on his woman

curse not meant for her
but to punish the poet
for loving her too much


expects him to come soon
she teases then releases
practicing on herself


that blinding moment
she understand she's his muse
inspiration's source


we two celebrate
rituals in love's temple
wordless offerings


in 67 i hit the clubs
in san Francisco's north beach
checking out naked women
far beyond my reach

women i'd seen in playboy
topless before my eyes
country mouse in the city
not beginning to realize

yeah they were famous and sexy
a delight for this soldier to see
but today if they're still alive
they're a bit older than me

still it's a good memory
the night and the money well spent
though beer was so damn expensive
i'm still really happy i went


first glimpse awakens
then strange bodies are boring
loving retains heat


there's many bodies
but only one will hold you
that person's power


By Donovan Baldwin


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Sunday, December 22, 2024



By Donovan Baldwin

Shaklee B-Complex

Do you need to take vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements for health? If you do, which supplements should you take?

Most of us are willing to concede the necessity of having a balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in our daily diet for good health, but many of us wonder if it is necessary to use vitamin pills and other dietary supplements to do this. Can't we get enough of the vitamins we need from our daily diet? 

I suppose that some of us might be in good enough health not to need additional vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements, but IF YOU FALL INTO ONE OF THE GROUPS BELOW, you might want to consider adding at least a daily multivitamin supplement to your diet. 

IF you are a woman:  Women are possibly deficient in such minerals as magnesium, folic acid, zinc, calcium, and in some cases, iron. If you are pregnant or using birth control, you may require additional vitamin or mineral supplements for good health. 

IF you diet for weight loss or follow a fairly limited diet or restricted nutritional regimen:  Important vitamins and minerals are scattered widely across a broad range of nutritional options (i.e. foods), and if you are limiting your intake by volume or by type, you are likely limiting your intake of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients vital to your health. 

IF you eat the normal American diet:  The "normal" American diet is not very normal, nor is it always good for your health! It is terribly lacking in the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and other nutritional elements a healthy body needs. Additionally, if your diet does contain all of these in optimal quantities, you are possibly eating way too much food - Catch 22! 

IF you smoke or drink alcohol often:  Smoking and excessive drinking (roughly more than two drinks a day - which some say is GOOD for you), depletes certain vitamins and other nutrients. 

IF you are already NOT in good health, physically or mentally:  Your body may not be processing the vitamins, minerals, etc. that your diet is providing. Also, the EXTRA vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients you provide with supplements may have a positive affect on the condition. It goes without saying that an appropriate supplementation program MIGHT HAVE PREVENTED or lessened the impact of the health problem in the first place. 

IF you love junk food and it tends to be a major part of your diet:  Once again, you are probably not getting the dietary balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional elements necessary for good health. Sadly, some constituents of these types of food, particularly refined sugar, actually leach vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from your body, or prevent the effective use, transport, or absorption of these nutrients. 

IF you cannot afford a steady diet of the foods that you realize are most valuable to your health:  A multivitamin pill costs only a few cents a day, and without changing another single fact of your life, can contribute significantly to your health and well-being. 

IF you are over 65:  You have specific dietary deficiencies and needs, as well as a possible array of health problems. There's a good chance you are lacking in B-12, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, folic acid, zinc, Vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals. As our bodies age (I'm 80, so I can talk), they become less efficient at processing nutrients of all types, so even if your typical diet contains all the nutrients you need, your body is probably not getting the complete benefit from them. I mentioned some possible deficiencies above. Let's look at only one - Vitamin D deficiency - as this is very common in folks over 65. This vitamin deficiency may contribute to some forms of cancer (including breast and colon cancer), muscular weakness, joint pain, and the well-published one - osteoporosis. Again, a daily multivitamin can go a long way towards promoting health in the years both before and after age 65. 


IF you are male, under 65, in excellent mental and physical health, exercise regularly, have a nutritionally rich and diverse diet, do not smoke or drink, and are NOT QUITE CERTAIN that YOUR DIET contains all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional elements necessary for good health:  You MIGHT want to tilt the odds in your favor with a good daily multivitamin supplement. 


Your health is fine. You don't need to supplement your present diet with vitamins and minerals. 


The author is retired from the Army after 21 years of service, and has worked as an accountant, optical lab manager, restaurant manager, and instructor. He has been a member of Mensa for several years and has written and published poetry, essays, and articles on various subjects for the last 40 years. He became interested in health and fitness in the '70s after reading numerous books, including Dr. Kenneth Cooper's "Aerobics", and beginning his own lifelong fitness program. This has led him to continue his personal research into health and fitness for over 30 years and to pursue coursework on health and fitness. 


NOTE: You have full permission to reprint this article within your website or newsletter as long as you leave the article fully intact and include the "About The Author" resource box. Thanks! :-)

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Friday, December 20, 2024



I look into the void
Selecting words with care,
Strong enough to withstand,
The cold of rejection,
Or the fires of desire,
Honest enough to change,
Without changing meaning,
For they are forged with love,
Brought by gods and goddesses,
Who taught how to make
Malleable metal into
Silken webs of words
To capture and hold
Heart's desires.


naked in moonlight
shining silver secrets black
wishing he could see


afraid to answer
holds her breath in silent hope
poet hears heartbeats


goddess of desire
flesh and bone and arch and sigh
embrace that's love itself


amazing such soft words
draped and dragged across her skin
could be so arousing


you know i watch for you
your thoughts make my poetry
have reason and purpose


so many years passed
since i last believed in love
some scars not yet healed


never knew love as a child
found it once as an adult
tossed it away certain
i would find love again
but never did...
if you find it
hold onto it
or it might not
appear again


somewhere beyond braille
lies the ability to taste, to feel,
the rising symbols of desire,
the unwritten responses
the pouring out of inks
as passion's catalysts
blend and bind, words
becoming sweet desserts,
of delicious tinctures
intended to be devoured
she shivers with delight as
his lips and tongue make haste
to read the love words
pouring from her skin


bound with see-through words
stationary as she swallows
a pouring of poetry


my single tattoo
invisible to all but me
your mark on my heart


i've abandoned love
left it in the place it left me
perhaps someone will find it


quirky sense of humor
i even laugh at funerals
except my own of course


watching you watch the pen in my hand
the words striking your skin like a candle's wax,
the way you rise in anticipation of the next...
the arch and quiver as each strikes,
the panting gasp the guttural growl
as the kitten becomes tigress in need
begging for the next burning pleasure
to leave its mark on naked flesh


he's slowly dying
soon only words all that remains
and they too will fade


his words upon her
she appears gladly startled
at how they touch her


when mind and body need
without planning or direction
fingers know her wants


glad surprise as he
arrives unexpectedly
joins in her pleasure


forget the others
trust the one for whom you shine
smiles because you exist


do what you desire
your joy and pleasure means most to me
your happiness is mine


i'll never be jealous
if you're living true desires
honest with yourself and me


gods invented pleasure
made it a sin for mortals...


Donovan Baldwin


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Thursday, December 19, 2024



Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the body either cannot produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone essential for regulating blood sugar levels, and its imbalance can lead to serious health complications. This article delves into the types, causes, symptoms, and management of diabetes.

Types of Diabetes

  1. Type 1 Diabetes: An autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. It usually develops in childhood or adolescence and requires daily insulin therapy.

  2. Type 2 Diabetes: The most common form, it occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or the pancreas cannot produce enough. It is often linked to lifestyle factors, such as obesity and inactivity.

  3. Gestational Diabetes: Develops during pregnancy and typically resolves after childbirth, though it increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later.

  4. Prediabetes: A condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes. It serves as a warning sign and an opportunity for early intervention.

Causes and Risk Factors

While the exact causes of diabetes vary by type, common factors include genetics, lifestyle choices, and certain medical conditions. Risk factors include:


Recognizing the symptoms early can help in managing diabetes effectively. Common symptoms include:


If left unmanaged, diabetes can lead to severe complications, including:

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diabetes is diagnosed through blood tests, including fasting blood sugar, oral glucose tolerance tests, and HbA1c levels. Once diagnosed, the treatment plan often includes:

Prevention and Management

While Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, Type 2 and gestational diabetes can often be avoided through healthy lifestyle choices. Here are some tips:

  1. Healthy Eating: Focus on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

  2. Regular Exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week.

  3. Weight Management: Maintain a healthy weight to reduce the risk.

  4. Routine Check-Ups: Regular medical check-ups can help detect early signs and prevent progression.

Living with Diabetes

Managing diabetes requires a proactive approach and support from healthcare professionals, family, and friends. Technological advancements, such as continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps, have made it easier to live well with diabetes.

In conclusion, diabetes is a manageable condition with the right knowledge, care, and lifestyle adjustments. Early detection and consistent management are key to reducing complications and maintaining a high quality of life. By understanding the condition and taking preventive measures, individuals can lead healthier lives even with a diabetes diagnosis.



Wednesday, December 18, 2024




Until I learned German and went to Germany, I assumed that everybody had the same thoughts, the same way, just in their own language.

Oddly enough, it was sounds, not actual words, that made me begin to understand that thought itself could influenced by the "language" of the person.

In language school we were told that when a German dropped something, they did not say "oops", but, said "hoopla". It seemed strange to me that they would actually make that sound instead of the "natural", in English, of course, sound of "oops".

The first time I ate in the mess hall (dining facility) at my duty station in Germany, one of the German ladies who worked there dropped some dishes, and, sure enough, laughed and said, "Hoopla".

It was more of a revelation to me about the power of language than anything else I learned studying two languages and living in Europe for six years.

So, just for fun, what kinds of animals say wau-wau, kikeriki, and iaah in German?

Dog (bow wow), rooster (cockadoodle doo), mule or horse (hee haw).

Same animals, sounding different to different ears. Makes me wonder if the thoughts sound different too.


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Tuesday, December 17, 2024



By Ron Hicks
two sad lovers cursed

their most powerful desires

cannot defeat fate


two tidal lovers

a sea of exclamations

a pounding of waves


below the surface

it's so sweet resting down here

in your soul's ocean


mid shadows of fire

there among the leaping flames

your image dances


powerful her tides

strong the waves which cast about

we entwined lovers


i cannot be one

my helmet and my rifle

as true as my pen


kissing your closed eyes

telling you secrets with touches

smiling at your smile


Donovan Baldwin


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Sunday, December 15, 2024




What Do the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Have to Say About Aging

Basically, th U.S. population is undergoing a quiet revolution, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  They predict that by 2030, the U. S. population aged 65 and older will reach about 71 million.  This is roughly double the present number.

As those of us who are already classified as seniors know, the CDC recognizes the increasing health and financial burdens which begin to accrue with age.  Also, there is a diminished quality of life and risk of disease and/or long-term illness.

However, as I have often pointed out in this blog and in other articles, many of which have been published on other websites, and on my website at nodiet4me.com, not all of the negative expectations, which are real, need be as negative as most people assume.

Again, the CDC and I are in agreement, they based on research and me based on my own life experiences.

A great amount of the very real illness, disability, and death which go hand-in-hand with the normal progress of aging can be controlled, at least to some extent, and, in some cases, be reversed.  The most common steps towards healthy aging do not require extreme measures or esoteric potions or nostrums.  

The CDC and I agree that some of the best steps to take include regular exercise, proper nutrition, avoiding dangerous habits such as tobacco use, proper sleep and rest, and regular medical checkups.

There are a lot of things about aging that make life hard, but we don't have to make life harder to effectively administer our own personally designed anti-aging program.


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Saturday, December 14, 2024



Child of the ocean,

Boy of the wind and wave,

Bending trees beneath him,

Burning naked beneath the sun,

Taught poetry by nature,

By promises written on

The horizon of The endless sea,

Which became his mistress,

And, with words, his desire.


caught him watching

never thought herself sexy

until that moment


merely a poet

who's learned to remain hidden

only his words wanted


At my age,

It's seldom about

Feeling good.

More likely

Feeling better,

Than yesterday.

Since yesterday

I might have felt like...

Well, you know.

Feeling better than that,

Might still NOT be

Feeling good.


dawn's sensuous rise

love gloriously displayed

over earth's oceans


she brings me flowers

offering them with a smile

beside which they pale


we smile together

when we hear the ocean's song

though so far apart


touched so many times

gentle smile and loving words

i seek every day


ocean or fountain

i seek out a water nymph

to share poetry


the more words she read

the more that she realized

that he wrote for her


was it you or me

first saw the written poems

as our love letters


ocean between us

joining not separating

singing us its song


some words frighten her

yet they fill his poetry

and make her wonder


redder than a rose

she's more brightly blossoming

by singing waters


i await your touch

even if only in words

to know you read this


Only a story,

A tale on the night wind,

A dancer by the fire,

Or sitting with me watching,

As life unfolds and becomes poetry,

Unconventional images stepping

Into the light,

Summoning us into the shadows

Where we may make love in private,

With words and touches,

And sigh and moans.


At first adrift,

She gathers speed,

Sailing towards

Her ocean's edge...

Drawing back,


The next foray,

Each new adventure,

Again and again,

The next turn

Of her tide


The ocean swells,

And she, swept on,

By the power of each

Successive wave,

Falls over the edge,

Into ecstatic oblivion.


Sometimes it's hard to care

Without someone to care with.

It's lonely among people,

Who have no clue of who you are,

And would stare at you as they

Backed away if they did know...

It's a life full of echoes, when,

Only you understand yourself,

Or care...

Comes back to that...





I've got lots.

Wish you had some,


Echoes again,

Just echoes.


his cursive etchings

true love graven in her skin

delight in each curve


ecstatic climax

as everything that she is

unites for pleasure


quivers with pleasure

the  words thar stripped her naked

filling needs and wants


takes hold of his words

in her mind they come alive

touching her inside


murmuring his words

like love's liquid in her mouth

tasted drop by drop


she sacrifices

dies a little death for him

for herself as well


By Donovan Baldwin


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Friday, December 13, 2024




There are some things that cannot be changed, and your genetic inheritance is one of them.  If you are at risk for high cholesterol due to the genetic makeup inherited from your ancestors, then that is a fact.

This is of concern because high cholesterol puts you at risk for heart disease and heart attacks.  Often, cholesterol must be controlled with medications, However, at already at a high cholesterol level or not, on medication or not, you can usually lower your cholesterol levels by several points by making some simple lifestyle changes.  

1.  Get Regular Exercise:  Participating in regular physical activity such as gardening, walking, or swimming, or in a formal exercise program, has several well-documented health benefits.  Some of these benefits affect your cholesterol levels indirectly or from another angle, but exercise can reduce cholesterol levels itself.  Even something as simple as squeezing in a few short exercise sessions daily can help produce results.

2.  Lose Weight:  It has been shown that losing as little as 10 lbs can help reduce cholesterol levels, and exercise is one of the more effective strategies for healthy weight loss.  That's one of the indirect aspects of exercise mentioned earlier.

3.  Eat Right:  Hey!  Here we go again.  Healthy eating helps promote weight loss.  Healthy weight loss can help encourage interest in exercise, as can getting the proper nutrition.

A general rule of thumb for healthy eating is that the closer to the source the food is, usually the better for you it is.  Get rid of trans fats generally found in fried foods and bakery products.  Select lean cuts of meat, low fat dairy products, and exercise portion control.  Eat a wide range of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  By all means, read the labels!  Pick foods with lower cholesterol levels.  For example, I was buying one brand of a certain product I used daily until I read the label and found that it had a much higher cholesterol level than another brand which provided the same nutrients.

4.  Keep Alcohol Consumption at Low Levels:  It has been found that a low level of alcohol consumption, generally no more than one or two drinks a day, can be of some health benefit and can help increase "good" cholesterol.  Red wine has an ingredient, resveratrol, which apparently helps protect cells against the effects of aging.  However, high levels of alcohol consumption can lead to serious health problems, including high blood pressure, heart failure and stroke. 

5.  Don't Smoke:  As an ex-smoker, I cannot beat on this drum enough!  If you already smoke, stopping smoking can improve your HDL cholesterol level. The health benefits don't end there, either. Only 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your blood pressure decreases. Then within 24 hours, your risk of a heart attack begins to decrease. Within just one year, your risk of heart disease is already down to half that of a smoker. It gets even better.  Within 15 years, your risk of heart disease is similar to someone who never smoked.

Generally, lifestyle changes don't cause huge decreases in cholesterol levels, but, given time, they will, in most cases, produce results.  However, as mentioned earlier, some people may need medication to actually reduce cholesterol levels effectively.  Even in those instances, it is still in the individual's best interest to include the lifestyle choices as a part of their plan for good health overall and cholesterol control in particular.


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Wednesday, December 11, 2024



Speak to me with ocean waves,

Ask the wind to sing for me,

Take me back to boyhood

In the woods beside the bay,

Climb those trees once more,

Contemplating in boyish ways,

The rhythm and adventure of

Life and the endless sea,

Progenitors of poetry,

And the future poet.


Never call me broken.

Bent and crushed,

Crumpled and thrown away,

Stitched and sewn

Back together so much

My very soul looks

Like the Frankenstein monster...

But still walks, talks, growls,

And spits out poetry, so,

Don't ever call me broken...


exposing myself

trying to speak the simple truth

others can't believe


never ending roar

wind ceaselessly stings my skin

memories replayed


let poet love you

write you into poetry

a few hundred times


many love letters

well disguised as poetry

to adored goddess


below soul's surface

she is like an ocean tide

drawing me with her


best i stay unseen

remain poet who exists

as mere words of love


heart beats and hand moves

while all the rest is dying

love remains alive


gown about her feet

most revealing pose at dawn

watercolor orchid


sharing our hearts' smiles

with our souls dancing naked

to our poetry


a lovely morning

poetry over coffee

the look in your eyes


morning's mist glistens

sweetly drips from her petals

dawn's enticing dew


endless waves and wind

begetter of poetry

always the ocean


dream she knows i'm here

knows of words i wrote for her

expecting nothing


seems a shy flower

yet hidden petals glisten

with love's fiery dew




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Tuesday, December 10, 2024




No Energy?  What Could Be the Causes?

Actually low energy levels can have many causes.

Sometimes, the cause, and the solution, to low energy is simple.  Sometimes, however, the causes are more complicated and may be more difficult to combat.

Four things which can leave you feeling dull and without energy are easily rectified.

1.  Sleep:  This is obvious.  If you are not getting enough GOOD sleep, you will probably feel it during the day.  I'm not talking about one or two bad nights, either.  Many of us have terrible sleep habits, and we pay for it...more than you imagine.  

A Carnegie Mellon University study published in 2009 in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that Of 153 healthy men and women aged 21-55, those who got less than seven hours of sleep were almost three times more likely to catch a cold than those who slept eight hours or more. 

Lack of sleep not only leaves you tired, but opens you up to infections...and stress!

2.  Stress:  This is a real energy thief.  Not only can chronic stress attack you physically by weakening your immune system, and interfering with sleep, by the way, but it also robs you of the desire to do anything about the situation.

3.  Nutrition:  Many people will turn to high-calorie, high-sugar foods and snacks in hopes of raising their energy levels.

I remember a few years ago in which actor Robert Blake (Baretta and other classics such as The Return of Rin Tin Tin), said that he kept going on junk food.  Not necessarily a good idea.  Trivia, by the way, Blake, who was still acting in the late 90's started out with the "Little Rascals" in 1939.  HMMMM.  Maybe junk food IS a good idea.....NOT!

4.  Overall Physical Condition and Health:  I sort of lumped a lot of things under this topic.  However, so many things combine to keep us healthy, and good health is often key to having energy.  Additionally, physical activity, codeword "exercise" is one of the most practical things we can do to stay healthy.

Not only that, but regular physical activity, whether in the form of a structured exercise program, or as daily lifestyle activities, can build your body's energy reserves and works to help the body deal with 1, 2, and 3 more effectively.

Regular exercise promotes good sleep.  It also relieves stress, and helps the body make more efficient use of the nutrients we provide it.  Regular "good" sleep, helps relieve stress and makes you feel like you have more energy to expend in exercise.  It also gives your body the opportunity to make use of the nutrition it has taken in.  Good nutritional choices can also help calm the body and the mind, increase energy, and help a person sleep better.

None of this has to involve extreme or alarming (more stress) changes to your present lifestyle.

Something as simple as setting a regular bedtime and not getting up until you've gotten your eight hours of sleep, taking a good daily multivitamin, avoiding foods which obviously contain empty calories (most of today's snacks, unfortunately), eating more natural things such as fruits and vegetables and judiciuous amounts of meat, and taking a brisk walk for a few minutes a day can turn a lot of low energy situations around.

If you really want to get into some good stuff, you might look into yoga.  Not only does yoga provide exercise, but tends to produce a meditative state and relieves stress.  People who practice regularly tend to sleep and eat better and have more energy.  I really like yoga.

However, even something as challenging as weight lifting or karate can still reduce stress and increase energy if practiced properly.  I train with weights, as well as doing bodyweight exercises, a little yoga, and using resistance bands.

Beyond these simple causes, and a few others, there are health conditions, such as diabetes, which can drag you down.  If taking care of the simple things doesn't seem to do the job, there is possibly something more dangerous or difficult causing the condition.  In these situations, your best choice is to get with your healthcare provider and work out the appropriate treatment.  While doing things to help "prevent diabetes" and other conditions is always going to be of value in the long run,  once you actually have a major health condition, stay healthy, but don't try to treat it yourself.  Get proper medical testing, diagnosis, and treatment.


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Monday, December 09, 2024



How many poems have you caused

How many moments of desire?

What magic power do you exert,

Over the passage of poet's hand?

Without awareness, you have caused

Hours of creativity, and quiet sadness,

As one who loved you held his tongue,

Pouring his love into poetry

You admired but did not know

Was meant for you.


started as a kiss

became her teeth on my neck

oral tradition


exposed self to all

and drenched by seminal words

a poet was born


friction summoned flames

hidden below her surface

waiting to be wanted


consulting desires

as she selects tonight's toy

evening's entertainment


kneeling supplicant

attitude of worship

muffled orisons


sweet pacific sprite

sharing secrets in a smile

and poems she likes


secret she can't see

doesn't know she's beautiful

and so i tell her


pelting of raindrops

fingertips on naked skin

arousing tattoo

she stretches arches

an offering to nature

and her lover's touch

raindrops and fingers

causing body to tingle

with desires for more


her body love's storm

lightning flares within her breast

erupts as pleasure


brought me her secrets

and that night we unwrapped them

trying each one out


bring me your secrets

in the darkness of the night

we'll see how they fit


look and you'll see me

night's lightning my lantern

as i look for you


recalls the moment

when she became immortal

in the words he wrote


aching in her loins

so painful her eager tips

in need of love's touch


he did not touch her

in her mind memories did

what happened was real


i cannot keep you

i'll give you wings teach you to fly

if only you'd stay


pursues ecstasy

lips open as sighs escape

the body she's freed


a voluptuous world

golden orgasmic sunsets

sensuously folded flower petals


how it's always been

no one's ever wanted me

always been alone


was it the candlelight

glow illuminating love

made me dream to much


yes love passed me by

but the muses gave me words

for my tortured soul


it's so odd you know

life dedicated to love

yet never been loved


you cannot imagine

how that sweet smile of yours

has excited me


did not mean to shame you

excited by your natural smile

and my desire to kiss you


By Donovan Baldwin

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Friday, December 06, 2024




Interesting interview on the radio yesterday.  Unfortunately, I only caught a few minutes of it.  

It was actually about a novel.  The plot was about a doctor in Canada.  I don't know much more than that about the book.

It was the author, and his comments, that caught, and held, my attention.

The author had been a Doctor in Canada and drew on his experiences for the novel.  He had also been a doctor in Afghanistan, again, I don't know the circumstances, but his experiences in both areas provided him with an interesting point of view on modern health dilemmas.

In Afghanistan, he found that the local people "never" in his words, required insulin for diabetes or to stabilize blood sugar.  Apparently, the use of insulin in other, more "modern" societies is quite common due to diet and lifestyle....which have contributed to high levels of body fat, particularly the insidious abdominal, or visceral, fat.

He also compared this to medical observations over just a few decades of the Inuit of Northern Canade.

Not too long ago, many of their "major" health problems were what you would expect from such a civilization...broken bones, cuts, etc.  These days, they can have Kentucky Fried Chicken from a fast food emporium, rather than whale blubber from a beast they chased for hours, or even days and expended huge amounts of calories to kill, butcher, and prepare.

The difference in lifestyle is reflected in medical problems.  They have fewer broken bones, cuts, and gashes, but have diabetes (once nearly unheard of), heart disease, and strokes...all conditions related to high accumulations of visceral fat.

Sure, they used to have subcutaneous body fat which helped protect against the cold and provided energy stores...which they drew upon regularly.  Now, they, like so many of us in the U.S. and other "Western" nations, have accumulations of abdominal fat which surrounds the internal organs and keeps the body in a state of chronic inflammation, contributing to heart disease, as well as diabetes.

Not a whole lot of conclusions here, but I think I will go exercise now.


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Thursday, December 05, 2024




When I'm thinking, like many people, I don't necessarily reach conclusions, or solve problems, every time.

In fact, I may create more problems and leave myself with more questions.

Still, that's sort of implied by the word "thinking". It's an ongoing process. Also, as we encounter "problems", things to think about, some may be new. We may not have been aware of the problem/question before, or maybe only in a peripheral way. Now, it meanders to the forefront of our mind, and, like a new acquaintance, or even a friend we haven't seen for a while, we have to learn, or re-learn, information about it.

Learning is also an ongoing, open-ended, experience.

So, our thinking about the "thing", an ongoing process, involves "learning", also an ongoing process, which means that the "conclusion" or "solution", may become a bit of a moving target.

When we read, listen to, or encounter, a great thinker, that someone or something that makes us think, we tend to expect their great thoughts to enlighten us... solve the problem, provide the conclusion which we can then use to show ourselves to be "thinkers" as well.


Tain't necessarily so.

Usually, they just show us how much we don't know yet, and start us thinking and learning.

That's a "maybe", not a conclusion or solution.

Just thinking out loud.


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Wednesday, December 04, 2024




more than a shadow
you are creature of magic
dancing in my dreams

skirt flares about you
naked legs so happily
molten in moonlight

excited cheeks flushed
your gaily panting bosom
promises on your skin


daughter of no king
nor elfin sprite of legend
my mystic woman


words about her wrists
naked to his sentences
lashed by poetry


proudly she displays
secrets no one else may see
shameless in her love


no maidens thank you
old poet warmed by matron muse
finds the sweetest words


she turned me away
because she was too perfect
all i ever desired


have you spotted it
what i wrote for you today
a smile on my lips


she's got a secret
sweet gentle teddy bear
ferocious in bed


came into my life
making me reveal myself
then she disappeared


birth until today
no one's ever wanted me
words perhaps not me


sometimes remembers
all the times that he was spurned
the one time he wasn't


of all the women
only one ever loved me
one i left behind


of beasts of the earth
useless sort of animal
this poet creature


best done in private
this form of masturbation
writing of poems


erotic poet
an amateur botanist
exploring orchids


private festival of oral arts
delicious confections whipped up
sweet berries and dripping cream


untroubled angel
in my arms as sin begins
sweet demonic grin


first in our family
so odd he's a poet
try to ignore him


intense the image
rainbow flaming black and white
stripped of its colors


my one true lover
the woman who reads my words
knows that they're for her


she seems innocent
and perhaps in ways she is
also sensual

both personas stunning
visible in poetry
which betrays her soul

fires that burned within
needs and wants they failed to grasp
love that caused her pain


i'll not bother you
until you've invited me
back into your arms


sweatshirt and flannel
believe me YOU are sexy
it's not the clothes dear


boots and mini-skirt
and that sassy walk of hers
smile over her shoulder


A soldier, a poet, an adventurer, yet how boyish he seemed in sleep. She looked at him and rolled up in her blanket, the saddle for her pillow. As she drifted off to sleep, he woke, looked at her... a soldier, a poet, and adventurer... how angelic she looked in the moonlight... the memory of their lovemaking flooded his mind and body... and he loved with a love he could never speak.


ready for adventures
my body can longer handle
but i don't give a damn...
let's do it, baby


i pretend you care
but no one has ever before
why on earth would you



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