Sunday, April 10, 2022



By Donovan Baldwin

A teenager recently died as the result of injuries sustained when he and his buddies took turns being the target while wearing a bulletproof vest.

Tragic, but points up a fact I've seen time and again in 3/4's of a century masquerading as a human.

People will do stupid things. (Some) people (although I believe ALL of us sooner or later) will do (some) stupid things. Substitute "inane", "idiotic", "pointless", "poorly thought out", "what the HELL were you thinking?"... whatever fits your narrative and/or thought/belief patterns.

Witness me, who's done a few myself... and, in one or two instances, lucky to still be here... or at least lucky to have all the original equipment... except for... well, that's another story.

Anyway, I am sure that when cavemen Ohg, and Oog first learned to sharpen sticks and make them into weapons, there were a few self inflicted, or mutually inflicted, "test" wounds... some of which may have been fatal... either at the moment, or later, due to infections, etc.

In fact, I've never been sure whether Cain intended to kill Abel, or if two brothers were having a game of "who can hit the other hardest with the rock"... an early version of "rock, paper, scissors".

Point, or blunt instrument, is, we humans often try things without full knowledge of possibilities, or the consideration of consequences.

This is sometimes the result of immaturity, lack of experience, failures (intentional or otherwise) in education, or simply due to the very human, "err now, repent at leisure" ethos... also known as "let's try it and see what happens"... a popular ploy with politicians.

No sense blaming those who manufactured the tools used in the perpetration of the stupidity of the moment. We don't need to work on more effective bulletproof vests, rocks, papers, scissors, or less effective guns.

We need to work on preparing our humans to function in a world that's been full of danger since temptation first appeared in the Garden of Eden... and, to me, that might be Eve, rather than the serpent.

#people #experience

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