Saturday, January 27, 2018


The World Through A Dirty Windshield

By: Donovan Baldwin

It was a sunny morning this morning, and, after breakfast, I had an errand to run.

I was in a full-belly, quietly contemplative mood as I stopped at a traffic light at a railroad crossing, in a not too pretty part of Fort Worth, Texas..

I noticed the sunny day, green trees, and became aware of a slight golden ambiance to the scene in front of me. As I was wondering what could be making railroad tracks, and the crumbling church across the way look almost as if painted by Renoir, I glanced to my left...through my clean side window.

Everything suddenly appeared quite normal in color, and, ambiance?

What's that?

Anyway, all this lovely atmosphere had been created by a dirty, dusty windshield.

Isn't that how life is sometimes?

Poets and other writers speak about viewing things through rose colored glasses.

How we see things, either with our eyes or through the multiple lenses of experience and lore, can have a huge impact on how we live IN the life we have, and how we appear to others.

I got home intending to clean the windshield. I've got to go back out tomorrow and not really looking forward to that errand.

Maybe I'll leave the windshield like it is for one more day.

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Just to follow up, I learned later that some of the "golden glow" was not just the dirty windshield, but cataracts. Have had cataract surgery, on both eyes, and real colors have returned. Sort of miss the golden haze, however. Made the mundane look a little more romantic.
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