Friday, January 12, 2018


I Love Rainy Days...And...

By: Donovan Baldwin

I love rainy days.

Don't get me wrong, I love sunny days too. I even love partly cloudy, or are they partly sunny, days.

I'm an equal opportunity day lover, I guess.

However, I think there are a couple of levels, or more, to this "love" of these certain kinds of days.

Sunny days remind me of my home in Florida, when I was a boy. Sunny days are uplifting, raising my spirits, at least. A sunny day can make me happy.


Well, I've had some good times in the rain, and, partly along that same note, I consider rainy days romantic. You cuddle safe and warm inside, in the arms of your lover, while nature puts on a show, or show-er (couldn't resist) outside.

Thunder and lightening and wind remind me that there's a lot more exciting things in the world than the pap and pablum on TV and at the movies.

A Batman movie may rev you up for a bit, but an offshore squall can make you feel alive, and not just "pumped up". Still, I think one of the things that makes me love a sunny day, or a rainy one, is that it isn't the other.

Sameness can be nice, comforting, but, for me, it's also sometimes called a "rut".

I like it when Mother Nature reminds us that we don't have to be the same every day.

Kind of her.

Thank you, Mother Nature.

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