Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Unappreciated Contributions...

By: Donovan Baldwin

I used to be, among other things, a furniture salesman, selling dining room tables, beds, and other furniture, for Furniture Row.

The group of employees which closed up the store at night, was responsible for completing a list of tasks.

One of these closing tasks was vacuuming the showroom carpet.

It's amazing all the little bits of paper, hair, and "what the heck is that" which can accumulate in the course of a day.

Although most of us don't go around staring at the carpet when shopping for furniture, keeping it vacuumed kept if from becoming an eyesore which could detract from the presentation of the furniture, eventually causing loss of sales...and jobs.

We can probably agree that it needed to be done at least somewhat regularly, and, based on the amount of trash from one day, I think "daily" was a good thing.

Point is, when a group of people came in to open up the store in the morning, they didn't have to worry about cleaning the carpet.

It was already done.

They really didn't even have to think about it. I know I usually didn't when I opened.

Morning staff had a lot of other stuff to concentrate on and get done anyway.

Life can be like that.

Most of us contribute something that nobody else notices. They're not ignoring us, any more than we are ignoring people who do stuff for us...that we don't notice.

I like to take time to think about those people and what they do.

It's called being grateful, I think.

So, thank you!

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