Wednesday, October 04, 2017


News, Information, And Knowledge

By: Donovan Baldwin

News is important. Information is important. Knowledge is important.

Most of us cannot "manufacture" knowledge, we have to arrive at it by keeping up with news and information. But, there are a lot of people on the internet who are manufacturing "news" and "information".

There are websites which specialize in publishing parodies of real news.

In other words, fake news.

There are websites where people can publish almost any story they like...even here.

Many of these websites are very professional looking, and some even mimic "real" news and information sites.

That's bad enough, but, compounding the problem are those people who don't check the validity of the story they are reading or sharing, or the reliability of the site...many of which state on their home page that they publish parodies of the news.

Believing what you see on these so-called "news" sites is the same as believing a Saturday Night Live comedy routine is news.

Another problem is, that once it's on the internet, true or false, the story assumes its own life, grows its own followers, and, is promoted and passed to friends on social media and through email, by others who either do not know it's false, or don't care.

Do the legwork, folks. Do your "due diligence".

Before you post or re-post, check to see it that "information" and "news" that you like or hate so much, is actually the truth.

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