Wednesday, September 13, 2017


We All Have Stories

By Donovan Baldwin

Read a quote from Henry David Thoreau this morning: "I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well."

I often (at least twice a day) write about myself.

Even when referencing other people and events, I am, at the least, presenting MY thoughts, just as I am now.

Most of us will never be famous, although, in today's world, we will leave a much more defined "trail" than most of our ancestors.

I do genealogy, and, before the mid-1800's, at least here in the U.S., it's hard to find out much about people unless they did something extraordinary, or, were lucky enough to get their existence recorded.

We all have stories.

In talking to people over the last 72 years, and reading their descriptions of their lives, I have found most people to be very interesting. Even so, I was a bit surprised to find how many people were interested in, or amused by, events in what I considered my mundane existence.

I write, they read...and some seem to like.

Each of you has a story.

Why not write it up?

Even if your children and grandchildren are the only ones who read it, at some point it will be valuable, interesting, informative, and, perhaps, even instructional to them.

I repeat, we all have stories, and most of us are as important as the most famous, but, are not going to have our stories told, so, let's tell our stories ourselves.

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