Friday, September 15, 2017


It Sounds Like Poetry To Me

By Donovan Baldwin

I write poetry.


Well, I mean, I intentionally sit down and write what I intend to be recognized and evaluated as poetry. In communications with others, I often read, "I wish I could write poetry..."

Also often, in those same communications, I read lines, honest lines of romantic thought, personal dreams, experiences, which sound like poetry to me.

In fact, I have come to believe that many people in this world, many more than those who believe they are poets, have poetry in their souls.

Go to a place where there are majestic sunsets, or sunrises, where there are awesome rivers, grand forests, or canyons which take your breath away. You will find people there, individuals and entire families, just looking, absorbing, being in that place at that time.

They are writing poetry in their minds and on their hearts.

Look at a mother nursing a new born baby, or a father teaching his son to ride a bike for the first time. There is poetry in the hearts and souls of those persons also at those times. It will probably be a long and well remembered poem, even though the words may never be completely formed into a formal poem, or even recalled in the same way.

I claim to be a poet and try to write poetry, but, so many of you, who wish you could be a poet, already are.

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