Thursday, August 09, 2018


I Like Sometimes To Reflect On Things I Have Learned

By: Donovan Baldwin

I like sometimes to reflect on things I have learned over the last 73 years simply by being around long enough to learn them.


That's part of the learning process, whether it's in elementary school, university, a career, or even life.

Learning, not just a simple skill, such as threading a needle, but, a range of "tasks" or skills which make up a larger whole... takes time... and effort... but, that's another discussion.

To my mind, and in my experience, every day is a day in class.

Just as a student of mathematics, physics, literature, biology, zoology, all the -ologies is NOT finished until "the end", and, either all is learned, or the student is no longer capable of learning... so it is with life.

Learning doesn't end with today's "class". It starts with tomorrow, and, making final judgments based on our, so far, incomplete curriculum is a bit rash.

You may learn something tomorrow, next week, next year, next decade, which makes you understand and appreciate all the "learning" which went before, often with it's aches and pains and efforts and successes and (apparent) failures.

Whatever you're learning... give it time.


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