Thursday, September 28, 2017


I'm Not In Jail And The Dog Still Likes Me

By: Donovan Baldwin

Don't know about you, but, while I like the occasional surprise, or small adventure, I really prefer my life to be calm, and on an even keel.

Doesn't always happen like that.

Take the last two days in MY life. The comedian Henny Youngman (1906-1998) was known as "King of the One Liners". One of his most famous lines would come in the middle of a routine, when, talking about something, he would say, as if to illustrate a point, "Take my wife...", pause, and then, "...please."

Well, the last two days, I was ready to use that line with the word "life", substituted for "wife".

I suppose I should not be concerned since everything worked out okay.

After all, I'm not in jail, the truck's in one piece, and the dog still likes me. But, I started those two days with everything penciled in neatly on a calendar.

Problem was, nothing happened according to plan on either day.

Somebody needed something, so, I had to change MY plans and go there and do that, then go somewhere else and do something else, and, in the process, two days of my life got spent doing stuff for other people.

Still, after the frustration is past, and, I've had a good night's sleep, I can at least pat myself on the back and say, "Good job!" Stuff that needed to be done got done.

It wasn't fun, but, it was real and was needed.

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