Sunday, February 25, 2018


You Cannot Pour From An Empty Pitcher Nor Drink From An Empty Well

By: Donovan Baldwin

It's said you cannot pour from an empty pitcher, or dip from an empty well.

The message being that YOU need to fill and nourish yourself first, in order to share caring and loving with others.

That's a good thought.

I like it.

I believe it.

Your first duty is to yourself, but, if not out of selfishness, then out of the knowledge that to be the giver, instead of the taker, you have to have something to give.

A lot of us feel we don't have much to give. Maybe we even just operate on the belief that, since we don't have much of anything, and nothing we can "spare", all we CAN do is take.

Even apparently empty pitchers, and empty wells, often have a little bit left in them, even if just a drop or two.

I know most of us don't want to give the last that we have, but, when it's time, maybe that's all we will have left. If we can keep something in the pitcher to share, we should do so. We should try NOT to let it, our pitcher, our well, get down to just the dregs.

Who wants to share dregs, or have to accept them, for that matter.

Once the pitcher, or well, is empty, that's all we've got.

But, before we get to "empty", maybe we need to fill ourselves back up so that we will have some good wine, tea, life, share...whatever fills us up...and someone who need "it"...whatever it may be.

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