Saturday, January 06, 2018


Doing Important Things

By: Donovan Baldwin

I used to be overwhelmed by all the "important" things I was supposed to be doing. Granted, there really are important things, like breathing, loving, coffee, and so on, but, I've uncovered an "important" truth.

Only took me 72 years, 7 months, and...oops, 6 months and 28 days...

Wait! Was that important?


That's my point, a really big chunk of what we consider "important", isn't. We just FEEL it's important.


Probably, somebody told us it was important.

But, is it really?

Sometimes we're afraid we're going to get caught doing "not really important stuff".

So, who cares?

Oh, I want someone to discover a cure for cancer, build a colony on Mars (if that's important), or convince politicians to tell the truth...important, but, not bloody likely.

However, there's a lot of unimportant stuff that really needs doing too. Fact is, a lot of that stuff that we are embarrassed to get caught doing is really some of the most important stuff we humans do.

Dreaming, loving, grieving, imagining, fantasizing (get your mind out of the gutter), hoping, caring, wading in the water, listening to birds, watching a sunset with someone you love...that's important. So important that the medical researchers, and astronauts, and politicians need to do it between all that other "important" stuff.

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