Friday, October 27, 2017


Notes On The Sharing Of News

By: Donovan Baldwin

When we read, or listen to, the "news" it's easy to believe the world is going to Hell in a handbasket.

What the "news" leaves out, or fails to report on, is the millions of kind and wonderful and exciting things that happen every day.

Social media has a failing.

Anybody who wants to say anything can, and, often when they do, as the "news" does, they tell us all the horrible and nasty things about us humans.

Still, among and around all that, there's all the good news, the exciting developments, the progress, the kindnesses and good will that the "ordinary people" on social media sites care about, share, and express.

I hear of people getting burned out from all the negativity on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites, and, I get it. I have lived with a news junkie, and I got to where I just didn't want to hear of one more senseless act of violence or evil.

Finally, I decided to look at the world around me, and within myself, with a different goal in mind.

There's plenty of people telling us about the bad. So, sometimes it takes a little mindful looking and thinking to find the good, but, as I look and think, I find it.

Humans have done terrible things for millennia, and that's nothing to be proud of.

Yet, we've also managed to reach for stars, save lives, and, in places, made the world better. I'm good with that sort of thought, and news.

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