Saturday, November 16, 2019
FRIDAY 20191101
*hide within nature
i seek in the wind and trees
hoping to find you
SATURDAY 20191102
I am a running stream,
A raging storm,
A gentle breeze,
In essence avalanche,
Motionless mountain,
Wolf among the trees,
Timid mouse in shadow,
Hunter and prey,
Part earth,
And wind,
And rain,
And sun,
And moon,
Eternally moving
Universe of myself,
Daring and sharing
Molecules and atoms
All into one,
Expanding into
Outer existences
About me,
Making them
Part of my all.
*simple fantasy
more than random ecstasy
fully planned pleasure
*i long to keep you
place you on private display
only for myself
*greatest gift i bring
not gems or precious metals
but my loving heart
*all i really own
your hands cannot touch or hold
so i gift my words
*wonder if i lie?
my lips say all you need know
with their true kisses
*recline upon sand
cool waves bathing your body
heated by desire
SUNDAY 20191103
It's those tiny stars which
Prove the dark so rich and thick,
Lonely candles full of secret promises,
Each twinkling light
An imaginary word,
A cryptic promise,
Written brightly upon
Our page of the universe
Awaiting effortlessly forever
In one passage I read,
And reread more than once,
Was an explanation,
An understanding of
Our sad exciting humanity,
And the great tasks
Which infinity has assigned
To we small humans
Who have free will,
That most frightful of powers,
And, the most human.
*she opens slowly
her blushing honeyed blossom
i softly savor
*morning elixir
delicious warmth fills my mouth
from your lips to mine
*i am your hostage
voluntary prisoner
not seeking rescue
MONDAY 20191104
*beware how you touch
for a true heart once aroused
loves eternally
*once we've made our love
some of each remains within
part of the other
*mightier than sword
careless pen leaves bleeding wounds
or carves miracles
*i'm set afire by
her kisses, touches, and words,
a flammable feast
*let my words be mist
tender vestiges of touch
you feel forever
*the you that i crave
can't be seen in a mirror
yet i see clearly
*read between my lines
feel what my words cannot say
but you understand
Each morning,
I pick up and put on,
All the clothing
Which serve to make me me
Identifying me
To others
And, to myself,
For, would they know me,
Or, I know myself,
If I did not have
The keys in my pocket,
The glasses on my face,
The words in my head,
Put there by my history
And heritage?
How big is the story
Which I must write?
How many words will it take
To truly tell what happened
To me and the world,
In the reality I alone
How much does it matter
If I tell it truly,
Or, as I remember it,
Faded now with time
And learning,
And desires,
Both since fulfilled
And forgotten?
How long will it last
This story I wish to tell?
*Open the floodgates of the mind,
The mind filled to overflowing
With the words and images,
So carelessly gathered
Over decades of living
Oblivious to the storytelling
And poetry of the day to day
Activities and mundane conversations
Which are the seed of exposition
And fiction, fantasy, and
The overall art of words.
*remember the dance
when we were held as lovers
moved beyond music
*i quit expecting
and that was when you happened
*be sorry later
or be glad you took a shot
ecstasy is now
I, like farmer in his field,
Turn thoughts, like clods,
In hopes to yield...
Some harvest of ripe poetry,
As tales of romance,
Or, perhaps some wisdom fine,
Encapsulated in
Precocious rhyme...
Or, perhaps it may simply be,
A crop of meaning
But to me, so...
I, like farmer, sow and reap,
Store it up,
As mine to keep...
The warrior's burning eyes swept o'er
The host of the enemy.
Testing his weapon's weight in his hand,
With no thought that he might flee.
Weary beyond what flesh should bear,
Bloody with wounds of war.
Determined to stay and meet the fate
The gods had named him for.
His flaming gaze swept left and right
Heart leapt at the sight displayed,
Comrades in gory unbroken line,
The best of his friends on parade.
Still to this day they recite the tale
Of those who held that battle line,
Stood fast till the enemy fled,
Ground stained with battle's red wine.
They chant the names of fallen ones,
And those who survived that day,
Offer homage to the warrior breed,
Who gave a gift no one can repay.
TUESDAY 20191105
*you sleep beside me
so close i can feel you breathe
my most constant dream
*beat me with your words
cause me the pain of desire
soothe me with your acts
*at touch of your hand
i gasp in intense pleasure
quiver with delight
*memories of touch
make my breath come hard and fast
I weep with longing
I've been hurt so much,
So deeply,
That I suppose I am composed,
Of scar tissue and distrust,
Finding it difficult to bend
To discern if this dream
Is truer than those
Which, in their collapse,
Left me broken and battered,
Weary and sore,
And yet,
A blind phoenix rising.
The poet sings of tragedy
And, by the telling,
Lightens the load upon the soul,
Perhaps by clothing it
In meaningful words
Which give it purpose,
Or, perhaps, by
The sharing of the dirge,
Turning those who hear,
Into mutual pallbearers.
As if one glowing thing,
Glimpsed within the fog
Of some disappearing dream,
The details turn to mist,
Yet, somehow, the beauty remains,
So is an ancient love
Given a patina of wonderment
Which masks better forgotten realities.
I own so little other
Than thoughts in my mind,
The words which
Sometimes trip so lightly out,
Sometimes stumble haltingly
Over one another in an attempt
To make a meaning,
And beauty,
So often the same,
At least in the eyes of
Their poetic parent,
Who tends them so tenderly.
*ups and downs of love
can shake you make you unsure
still be a fun ride
WEDNESDAY 20191106
I wander winter woods,
Trees dancing naked,
Shiver in the chilly wind,
Dropped raiment,
The many fallen leaves,
About their rooted feet,
No longer needed.
Those wanting green gone,
Replaced by perverted people,
Desiring bare limbs instead
Intently intimate
Gazing at their naked idols.
THURSDAY 20191107
*you're the tune i play
gentle hands deftly touching
precious instrument
*desired in all ways
falling into fantasy
when i think of you
*twinkling of your eyes
that raised eyebrow and soft smile
so captivating
The poet looks upon some common thing,
Sees it through a special form of mist,
Which, leaving it the same, transforms
It in the poet's eye, and mind, and words,
Changes it to a newer fresher form,
Presents it then to other viewers,
Showing it another way, they,
Might not yet have imgained,
But for the poet's gaze.
FRIDAY 20191108
I, with my cheap red wine,
Toast the moon, the stars,
The darkness of the night,
Which turns the world into
A place fit for drinking poets,
For, the sun, the king of daylight,
Does not activate the bardic soul
As does the silver lady and her cohort,
In their black velvet dress,
Scattering silver over everything.
I want my words
To tell you who you are,
Trace the sensuous curves
Of your seductive mind,
Point out the arousing thoughts
Which tumble so daintily
From your kissable lips,
As best mortal man may,
The beauty of the woman,
The female person,
That you are,
And have never seen,
And would not recognize,
But, for my words.
*i bring you roses
symbols of love and desire
pricked on by their thorns
*blindly i descend
into the mine of your love
in search of treasure
*i watch from afar
love beyond what is allowed
alone in shadows
*i have heard your song
you never knew i listened
it was beautiful
SATURDAY 20191109
*love is many things
raging fire and cooling rain
you touch me that way
*together we love
satisfy mutual needs
private show and tell
Put your words upon a leaf,
Print them with a moonbeam,
Set the leaf upon the wind,
To be read and repeated
As song by birds at sunrise,
And, I will listen with
Other than my ears,
Translating the notes
Into "I love you's",
Becoming a part of me,
Never to be forgotten
*small secret flower
petals shyly opening
her beauty revealed
*sweetest gift drops
pearly dew of paradise
lover's refreshment
*words should not be traps
enticing revelations
never coercion
What causes dreams
If not desires
Invisible awake,
Manifesting themselves
When darkness
Is all that may be seen,
And the mind escapes
Mundane matters
Dredging up hidden wants,
Unusual solutions,
And expectations?
SUNDAY 20191110
I am a rambler,
Shambler through field,
And along the shore,
Listening to birdsong,
And the crack of dawn,
The silent symphony of sunset,
Filling my poet's pockets
With a beachcomber's
Flotsam and jetsam,
Like an artist with a welder,
Turning common objects
Into things of beauty.
The light paints what I wish to see,
Morning amber glow washes
Everything I see with a tint of gold,
Nature becomes art,
Even a modern suburban street
Becomes momentarily
A painting by Van Gogh,
Or perhaps Lautrec,
And, taken instantly by the light,
I arrive in other places and times,
Miles and centuries away,
Yet, suddenly, at the speed of light,
I stand there on Parisian streets,
And sometimes upon
The surface of another world.
*sweetest morning gift.
your mind touches, caresses,
phantom lips kiss mine
*i kneel before you
expectant adoration
at my idol's feet
*she can feel his heat
as it spreads, rises within
in sensual flames
*i write words for you
reaching with poet's fingers
shyly touching you
*looked into her eyes
at one unguarded moment
saw her hidden fires
*taut legs tangled sheets
her moans a lusty whisper
winning her struggle
How can this staid old poet,
Have so much gypsy blood,
Wine red blood which boils in moonlight,
Roiled by the sound of mad guitars,
Or sad sad violins,
Stirred by old stories,
Tantalized by tales,
Of times which might have been,
Maybe never were,
But, damn well should have?
See her there,
The naked woman on the canvas,
Staring at another place
Another time.
Is she thinking about
The millions who will see her,
Adore her,
Lust for her,
Curse her for her lewd display,
Or that the artist will live forever,
His face forgotten,
While her name will perish,
But face and form remain?
*i reach out to you
my hand almost touches yours
then shyly withdrawn
*fading light of dusk
short term memories I hold
your words tenderly
*we love skin on skin
every touch a new revealing
exciting secrets
*she drops her petals
shows blushing buds and blossoms
her garden in bloom
*kissed by passing winds
flower reaching for the sun
arched in her delight
*if i kiss your neck
will you think me too forward
or lean aginst me?
*i write you in words
weave you into poetry
to be read often
MONDAY 20191111
*sunrise blush upon
her two breathless rising moons
and celestial smile
I wander in the darkness
Contemplating the dawn of day
The illumination of history
In today's light.
A repetitive cycle,
By which we survive
Putting our problems to sleep,
Sometimes finding them
Less intractable in a newer glow.
Sleep's not a solution,
But a rest, a renewal.
Cold wind and rain
Driving dark before
Beneath the winter moon
Hidden now and then
Shyly dancing behind
Clouds frozen between
The sky's black blanket
And the shivering earth.
*rain upon her rose
glistening wet bejeweled
becoming diamonds
*our bedtime story
nights of soft caresses
and hard kisses
TUESDAY 20191112
*no pretense she shows
wondrous depths her pleasant soul
and unconscious grace
I had a conversation,
Me and John and Mark,
And that lady,
What's her name?
A daily sort
Of coffee klatsch,
With a rotation
Of old,
And I DO mean old,
To be formal,
Mr. Steinbeck,
And Mr. Aurelius
And the lady,
Who wishes to remain
But, no gentleman, I,
Must reveal,
Ms. Browning.
We chat, we do.
I read what they say,
Sipping their coffee
On their behalf,
And nodding
At our collective wisdom.
*as shadows lengthen
my desire remains as strong
if not even more
*i give birth each day
to new children of my mind
written into words
^not just poetry
tracings of my love's desire
written history
I pour a glass of the amber liquid
Softener of memories,
Play, "The White Rose of Athens",
Again and again,
Blending memories of fantasies
With great Kentucky bourbon
Staring into a moonlit darkness,
Across a sea of moving
Silver tipped hills,
Seeing a face
Hidden in the moon,
The music fades to silence,
The lonesome bottle,
Faithful dead soldier,
Stands empty guard
Over full and floating dreams,
Bathed by
Softly remembered moonlight,
Shining in another life
Which never happened,
But in desires and wishes,
Hearing one last echo of,
"Till the white rose blooms again..."
Turning with a sigh,
I pick up my pen,
And write the words...
"I pour a glass of the amber liquid..."
WEDNESDAY 20191113
complete surrender
submerged in her ecstasy
erotic reward
I, self-proclaimed writer of poetry,
Read a bit of doggerel,
Listen to a country song,
Watch a stream skipping over rocks,
A bird flying by on a way to somewhere,
Assist the sun in rising, later,
Putting him to bed, and,
Welcoming my lady moon,
Lay down my pen in darkness,
Close my eyes, and,
Let my poem write itself.
*shadows in the night
silver moonlight dark dancers
musical embrace
*you are always here
in a corner of my heart
my secret lover
*i'll not wake my love
but guard her from the shadows
watching through the night
live soldier and i
inventoried the effects
of a dead soldier
*i search for beauty
write what i find in the hope
you can see it too
*so hesitantly
she trusts herself to my arms
becoming certain
*delightful outfit
she models so fetchingly
wearing but a smile
THURSDAY 20191114
*sweet sensual song
opening notes first sung low
rise to crescendo
*silent notes at first
shyly hid beneath her hands
burst forth love's paean
I worry not about sanity,
Especially my own,
For what is sanity, but,
Sincere belief in ourselves,
How we live and what we do,
And, insane how do we know
We are insane or sane,
And, sane, how do we know
We are not insane?
It doesn't really matter,
For I am a poet.
Someday wonderful things will happen
To this fine race of humanity,.
First we must agree on wonderful,
And, while at it, humanity,
It's our many visions of right and wrong,
So many separations twixt me and thee,
Make tentative civilizations wobble
Like children learning to walk.
*make love to music
stimulating serenades
soft tender ballads
*our moon mounts the sky
on ladder of sparkling stars
to shine on our love
*i betray myself
despite attempts to hide love
you can see through me
*it's a story we write
two lovers so far apart
long for each other
As light fails,
I walk a path
Beneath stars so near,
Or far,
Depending on the night,
My mood,
And company,
Down to the shore
Where the ocean
Seems to roll
Much more quietly
Than by the day,
The raucous gull,
Not there to distract,
From contemplation,
Of the distance
I cannot see
But only imagine.
*you the air i breathe
a whisper upon the wind
i turn you're not there
FRIDAY 20191115
The passersby just see
An old guy,
An unknown gray haired guy
Walking alone in the park.
If they could see inside his young mind
They would see a strong man,
A happy laughing man,
Dancing with his love,
Now gone but not forgotten
To music only he...
And she...
Now hear.
*her beautiful eyes see
a man i cannot see but
will be for her
*swordsman on horseback
nearly lost in drifting mists
relic of the past
*tastes of a night's love
memories of excitement
and you on my lips
Leaves abound upon the ground
Acorns crunch beneath my feet,
It's gray now and the wind
Blows cold clouds across
A sky with a frozen sun,
It should be an ending,
Yet, to me, another beginning.
*her dainty landscape
explored beneath my fingers
reveals its secrets
*we two simply sit
clothed head to toe not touching
yet we're making love
Copyright 2019 by Donovan Baldwin
*hide within nature
i seek in the wind and trees
hoping to find you
SATURDAY 20191102
I am a running stream,
A raging storm,
A gentle breeze,
In essence avalanche,
Motionless mountain,
Wolf among the trees,
Timid mouse in shadow,
Hunter and prey,
Part earth,
And wind,
And rain,
And sun,
And moon,
Eternally moving
Universe of myself,
Daring and sharing
Molecules and atoms
All into one,
Expanding into
Outer existences
About me,
Making them
Part of my all.
*simple fantasy
more than random ecstasy
fully planned pleasure
*i long to keep you
place you on private display
only for myself
*greatest gift i bring
not gems or precious metals
but my loving heart
*all i really own
your hands cannot touch or hold
so i gift my words
*wonder if i lie?
my lips say all you need know
with their true kisses
*recline upon sand
cool waves bathing your body
heated by desire
SUNDAY 20191103
It's those tiny stars which
Prove the dark so rich and thick,
Lonely candles full of secret promises,
Each twinkling light
An imaginary word,
A cryptic promise,
Written brightly upon
Our page of the universe
Awaiting effortlessly forever
In one passage I read,
And reread more than once,
Was an explanation,
An understanding of
Our sad exciting humanity,
And the great tasks
Which infinity has assigned
To we small humans
Who have free will,
That most frightful of powers,
And, the most human.
*she opens slowly
her blushing honeyed blossom
i softly savor
*morning elixir
delicious warmth fills my mouth
from your lips to mine
*i am your hostage
voluntary prisoner
not seeking rescue
MONDAY 20191104
*beware how you touch
for a true heart once aroused
loves eternally
*once we've made our love
some of each remains within
part of the other
*mightier than sword
careless pen leaves bleeding wounds
or carves miracles
*i'm set afire by
her kisses, touches, and words,
a flammable feast
*let my words be mist
tender vestiges of touch
you feel forever
*the you that i crave
can't be seen in a mirror
yet i see clearly
*read between my lines
feel what my words cannot say
but you understand
Each morning,
I pick up and put on,
All the clothing
Which serve to make me me
Identifying me
To others
And, to myself,
For, would they know me,
Or, I know myself,
If I did not have
The keys in my pocket,
The glasses on my face,
The words in my head,
Put there by my history
And heritage?
How big is the story
Which I must write?
How many words will it take
To truly tell what happened
To me and the world,
In the reality I alone
How much does it matter
If I tell it truly,
Or, as I remember it,
Faded now with time
And learning,
And desires,
Both since fulfilled
And forgotten?
How long will it last
This story I wish to tell?
*Open the floodgates of the mind,
The mind filled to overflowing
With the words and images,
So carelessly gathered
Over decades of living
Oblivious to the storytelling
And poetry of the day to day
Activities and mundane conversations
Which are the seed of exposition
And fiction, fantasy, and
The overall art of words.
*remember the dance
when we were held as lovers
moved beyond music
*i quit expecting
and that was when you happened
*be sorry later
or be glad you took a shot
ecstasy is now
I, like farmer in his field,
Turn thoughts, like clods,
In hopes to yield...
Some harvest of ripe poetry,
As tales of romance,
Or, perhaps some wisdom fine,
Encapsulated in
Precocious rhyme...
Or, perhaps it may simply be,
A crop of meaning
But to me, so...
I, like farmer, sow and reap,
Store it up,
As mine to keep...
The warrior's burning eyes swept o'er
The host of the enemy.
Testing his weapon's weight in his hand,
With no thought that he might flee.
Weary beyond what flesh should bear,
Bloody with wounds of war.
Determined to stay and meet the fate
The gods had named him for.
His flaming gaze swept left and right
Heart leapt at the sight displayed,
Comrades in gory unbroken line,
The best of his friends on parade.
Still to this day they recite the tale
Of those who held that battle line,
Stood fast till the enemy fled,
Ground stained with battle's red wine.
They chant the names of fallen ones,
And those who survived that day,
Offer homage to the warrior breed,
Who gave a gift no one can repay.
TUESDAY 20191105
*you sleep beside me
so close i can feel you breathe
my most constant dream
*beat me with your words
cause me the pain of desire
soothe me with your acts
*at touch of your hand
i gasp in intense pleasure
quiver with delight
*memories of touch
make my breath come hard and fast
I weep with longing
I've been hurt so much,
So deeply,
That I suppose I am composed,
Of scar tissue and distrust,
Finding it difficult to bend
To discern if this dream
Is truer than those
Which, in their collapse,
Left me broken and battered,
Weary and sore,
And yet,
A blind phoenix rising.
The poet sings of tragedy
And, by the telling,
Lightens the load upon the soul,
Perhaps by clothing it
In meaningful words
Which give it purpose,
Or, perhaps, by
The sharing of the dirge,
Turning those who hear,
Into mutual pallbearers.
As if one glowing thing,
Glimpsed within the fog
Of some disappearing dream,
The details turn to mist,
Yet, somehow, the beauty remains,
So is an ancient love
Given a patina of wonderment
Which masks better forgotten realities.
I own so little other
Than thoughts in my mind,
The words which
Sometimes trip so lightly out,
Sometimes stumble haltingly
Over one another in an attempt
To make a meaning,
And beauty,
So often the same,
At least in the eyes of
Their poetic parent,
Who tends them so tenderly.
*ups and downs of love
can shake you make you unsure
still be a fun ride
WEDNESDAY 20191106
I wander winter woods,
Trees dancing naked,
Shiver in the chilly wind,
Dropped raiment,
The many fallen leaves,
About their rooted feet,
No longer needed.
Those wanting green gone,
Replaced by perverted people,
Desiring bare limbs instead
Intently intimate
Gazing at their naked idols.
THURSDAY 20191107
*you're the tune i play
gentle hands deftly touching
precious instrument
*desired in all ways
falling into fantasy
when i think of you
*twinkling of your eyes
that raised eyebrow and soft smile
so captivating
The poet looks upon some common thing,
Sees it through a special form of mist,
Which, leaving it the same, transforms
It in the poet's eye, and mind, and words,
Changes it to a newer fresher form,
Presents it then to other viewers,
Showing it another way, they,
Might not yet have imgained,
But for the poet's gaze.
FRIDAY 20191108
I, with my cheap red wine,
Toast the moon, the stars,
The darkness of the night,
Which turns the world into
A place fit for drinking poets,
For, the sun, the king of daylight,
Does not activate the bardic soul
As does the silver lady and her cohort,
In their black velvet dress,
Scattering silver over everything.
I want my words
To tell you who you are,
Trace the sensuous curves
Of your seductive mind,
Point out the arousing thoughts
Which tumble so daintily
From your kissable lips,
As best mortal man may,
The beauty of the woman,
The female person,
That you are,
And have never seen,
And would not recognize,
But, for my words.
*i bring you roses
symbols of love and desire
pricked on by their thorns
*blindly i descend
into the mine of your love
in search of treasure
*i watch from afar
love beyond what is allowed
alone in shadows
*i have heard your song
you never knew i listened
it was beautiful
SATURDAY 20191109
*love is many things
raging fire and cooling rain
you touch me that way
*together we love
satisfy mutual needs
private show and tell
Put your words upon a leaf,
Print them with a moonbeam,
Set the leaf upon the wind,
To be read and repeated
As song by birds at sunrise,
And, I will listen with
Other than my ears,
Translating the notes
Into "I love you's",
Becoming a part of me,
Never to be forgotten
*small secret flower
petals shyly opening
her beauty revealed
*sweetest gift drops
pearly dew of paradise
lover's refreshment
*words should not be traps
enticing revelations
never coercion
What causes dreams
If not desires
Invisible awake,
Manifesting themselves
When darkness
Is all that may be seen,
And the mind escapes
Mundane matters
Dredging up hidden wants,
Unusual solutions,
And expectations?
SUNDAY 20191110
I am a rambler,
Shambler through field,
And along the shore,
Listening to birdsong,
And the crack of dawn,
The silent symphony of sunset,
Filling my poet's pockets
With a beachcomber's
Flotsam and jetsam,
Like an artist with a welder,
Turning common objects
Into things of beauty.
The light paints what I wish to see,
Morning amber glow washes
Everything I see with a tint of gold,
Nature becomes art,
Even a modern suburban street
Becomes momentarily
A painting by Van Gogh,
Or perhaps Lautrec,
And, taken instantly by the light,
I arrive in other places and times,
Miles and centuries away,
Yet, suddenly, at the speed of light,
I stand there on Parisian streets,
And sometimes upon
The surface of another world.
*sweetest morning gift.
your mind touches, caresses,
phantom lips kiss mine
*i kneel before you
expectant adoration
at my idol's feet
*she can feel his heat
as it spreads, rises within
in sensual flames
*i write words for you
reaching with poet's fingers
shyly touching you
*looked into her eyes
at one unguarded moment
saw her hidden fires
*taut legs tangled sheets
her moans a lusty whisper
winning her struggle
How can this staid old poet,
Have so much gypsy blood,
Wine red blood which boils in moonlight,
Roiled by the sound of mad guitars,
Or sad sad violins,
Stirred by old stories,
Tantalized by tales,
Of times which might have been,
Maybe never were,
But, damn well should have?
See her there,
The naked woman on the canvas,
Staring at another place
Another time.
Is she thinking about
The millions who will see her,
Adore her,
Lust for her,
Curse her for her lewd display,
Or that the artist will live forever,
His face forgotten,
While her name will perish,
But face and form remain?
*i reach out to you
my hand almost touches yours
then shyly withdrawn
*fading light of dusk
short term memories I hold
your words tenderly
*we love skin on skin
every touch a new revealing
exciting secrets
*she drops her petals
shows blushing buds and blossoms
her garden in bloom
*kissed by passing winds
flower reaching for the sun
arched in her delight
*if i kiss your neck
will you think me too forward
or lean aginst me?
*i write you in words
weave you into poetry
to be read often
MONDAY 20191111
*sunrise blush upon
her two breathless rising moons
and celestial smile
I wander in the darkness
Contemplating the dawn of day
The illumination of history
In today's light.
A repetitive cycle,
By which we survive
Putting our problems to sleep,
Sometimes finding them
Less intractable in a newer glow.
Sleep's not a solution,
But a rest, a renewal.
Cold wind and rain
Driving dark before
Beneath the winter moon
Hidden now and then
Shyly dancing behind
Clouds frozen between
The sky's black blanket
And the shivering earth.
*rain upon her rose
glistening wet bejeweled
becoming diamonds
*our bedtime story
nights of soft caresses
and hard kisses
TUESDAY 20191112
*no pretense she shows
wondrous depths her pleasant soul
and unconscious grace
I had a conversation,
Me and John and Mark,
And that lady,
What's her name?
A daily sort
Of coffee klatsch,
With a rotation
Of old,
And I DO mean old,
To be formal,
Mr. Steinbeck,
And Mr. Aurelius
And the lady,
Who wishes to remain
But, no gentleman, I,
Must reveal,
Ms. Browning.
We chat, we do.
I read what they say,
Sipping their coffee
On their behalf,
And nodding
At our collective wisdom.
*as shadows lengthen
my desire remains as strong
if not even more
*i give birth each day
to new children of my mind
written into words
^not just poetry
tracings of my love's desire
written history
I pour a glass of the amber liquid
Softener of memories,
Play, "The White Rose of Athens",
Again and again,
Blending memories of fantasies
With great Kentucky bourbon
Staring into a moonlit darkness,
Across a sea of moving
Silver tipped hills,
Seeing a face
Hidden in the moon,
The music fades to silence,
The lonesome bottle,
Faithful dead soldier,
Stands empty guard
Over full and floating dreams,
Bathed by
Softly remembered moonlight,
Shining in another life
Which never happened,
But in desires and wishes,
Hearing one last echo of,
"Till the white rose blooms again..."
Turning with a sigh,
I pick up my pen,
And write the words...
"I pour a glass of the amber liquid..."
WEDNESDAY 20191113
complete surrender
submerged in her ecstasy
erotic reward
I, self-proclaimed writer of poetry,
Read a bit of doggerel,
Listen to a country song,
Watch a stream skipping over rocks,
A bird flying by on a way to somewhere,
Assist the sun in rising, later,
Putting him to bed, and,
Welcoming my lady moon,
Lay down my pen in darkness,
Close my eyes, and,
Let my poem write itself.
*shadows in the night
silver moonlight dark dancers
musical embrace
*you are always here
in a corner of my heart
my secret lover
*i'll not wake my love
but guard her from the shadows
watching through the night
live soldier and i
inventoried the effects
of a dead soldier
*i search for beauty
write what i find in the hope
you can see it too
*so hesitantly
she trusts herself to my arms
becoming certain
*delightful outfit
she models so fetchingly
wearing but a smile
THURSDAY 20191114
*sweet sensual song
opening notes first sung low
rise to crescendo
*silent notes at first
shyly hid beneath her hands
burst forth love's paean
I worry not about sanity,
Especially my own,
For what is sanity, but,
Sincere belief in ourselves,
How we live and what we do,
And, insane how do we know
We are insane or sane,
And, sane, how do we know
We are not insane?
It doesn't really matter,
For I am a poet.
Someday wonderful things will happen
To this fine race of humanity,.
First we must agree on wonderful,
And, while at it, humanity,
It's our many visions of right and wrong,
So many separations twixt me and thee,
Make tentative civilizations wobble
Like children learning to walk.
*make love to music
stimulating serenades
soft tender ballads
*our moon mounts the sky
on ladder of sparkling stars
to shine on our love
*i betray myself
despite attempts to hide love
you can see through me
*it's a story we write
two lovers so far apart
long for each other
As light fails,
I walk a path
Beneath stars so near,
Or far,
Depending on the night,
My mood,
And company,
Down to the shore
Where the ocean
Seems to roll
Much more quietly
Than by the day,
The raucous gull,
Not there to distract,
From contemplation,
Of the distance
I cannot see
But only imagine.
*you the air i breathe
a whisper upon the wind
i turn you're not there
FRIDAY 20191115
The passersby just see
An old guy,
An unknown gray haired guy
Walking alone in the park.
If they could see inside his young mind
They would see a strong man,
A happy laughing man,
Dancing with his love,
Now gone but not forgotten
To music only he...
And she...
Now hear.
*her beautiful eyes see
a man i cannot see but
will be for her
*swordsman on horseback
nearly lost in drifting mists
relic of the past
*tastes of a night's love
memories of excitement
and you on my lips
Leaves abound upon the ground
Acorns crunch beneath my feet,
It's gray now and the wind
Blows cold clouds across
A sky with a frozen sun,
It should be an ending,
Yet, to me, another beginning.
*her dainty landscape
explored beneath my fingers
reveals its secrets
*we two simply sit
clothed head to toe not touching
yet we're making love
Copyright 2019 by Donovan Baldwin
Labels: donovan baldwin, fantasy, haiku, hold, love, poems, poetry, raging storm, touch
Friday, November 01, 2019
Original Poems and Haiku Written October 18 - October 31, 2019
By Donovan Baldwin
Friday 20191018
Old wooden boards
Cobbled together
Into a pathway
Across the marsh
Into the woods
Man built thing
Leading to the wild
Where we came
Where we must go
The place we
Cannot leave behind
Always a part of us
The human animal
Escaped from the wild
Seeking to return.
*beneath gliding stars
comets and astral eddies
in reverent awe
(Above haiku suggested by "Of the Nature of Things" by Titus Lucretius Carus)
*lights above the sea
beckoning weary sailors
home to safe harbors
*o'ermastered by love
posturing in mating dance
maddened by desire
*from those lips soft words
breaths and whispers promises
of carnal delights
*how hard it may be
to bend words to my designs
capturing your heart
*profane be my thoughts
though my true desires are pure
lust and love alike
Saturday 20191019
Standing up becomes steps,
A few steps becomes a walk,
That walk can become a journey,
Any journey can become an adventure,
And adventure becomes life...
And a reason to just stand up...
For sitting is only
For reading about...
The adventures of others.
*purpose of bright skies
assignment of silver moon
illuminate love
* old homer's ghost speaks
glory's tales and insane gods
as we listen rapt
*her rose a blossom
deliciously unfolding
softly in her dew
*want to tell your heart
things it can understand
behind all my words
*unwritten poem
words both silent and spoken
loving living rhyme
*sailing living seas
driven by thunderous storms
alive with daring
*at some other time
we knew and loved and then died
but our love did not
*i would climb her walls
see touch and taste her blossoms
within her garden
*may i write my words
loving fingers on your skin
spelling my desires
*poet weaves her tale
his dancer of poetry
living in his words
*mutual desires
each passionate urge woven
into love's own bonds
Sunday 20191020
(This poem suggested to my mind while reading "Walking" by Henry David Thoreau.)
I stack my books upon wooden shelves
Take them down and set them back,
One by one, picking and choosing
Thoughts and friends from among
Their aging pages,
But, for my own thoughts,
I will wander off somewhere,
Gazing at the green of grass,
The gold and brown of sunflowers,
The blue of water and of sky,
Beneath a gleaming sun
Or glowing moon.
*attack me with love
penetrate my defenses
which i cast aside
*love is not abstract
undefined yet positive
our sweet paradox
*streaming down my face
elixir of our desires
served up with grace
*where the body goes
too the heart that both may breathe
the warm summer wind
*twilight sensation
breeze of memories passing
brings sadness and joy
Monday 20191021
*lurking lover me
afraid to speak even breathe
for fear you'll vanish
*no land has woman
for she is her own country
to explore and love
*who tames a woman
if she does become docile
it is of her choice
*weakness of my heart.
at the thought of you, the sight...
all else fades away
Tuesday 20191022
It was party every night,
Wine and song and laughter
Flowed so freely,
The problems of the world
Ours to solve,
Without understanding,
For we were young and right,
And, could do no evil,
Never realizing that someday,
We would be causes of problems,
The young ones needed to solve.
*let's not make complex
this simple intricacy
referred to as love
*as lace caresses
reveals lovely hidden truth
my words cover you
*gleaming silver skin
moonlight etching light and dark
you its work of art
*our blossoms touching
in ardent pollination
life and love unite
*dawn flowers exposed
stretching out into the light
awakening me
*between two soft moons
i, solitary planet
place myself to rest
*peeling back layers
her blossom opens shyly
shows blushing beauty
*secrets appearing
as with a smile she reveals
what i've only dreamed
*plunging to her depths
bathing in her warm grotto
surfacing refreshed
*sounds of naked joy
laughing whispers in the dark
two lovers at play
Wednesday 10/23/2019
*tight within my arms
you're fitted to my body
every curve in place
*your hills and valleys
such luscious soft terrain
explored not conquered
*fantasies fulfilled
beginning with shy touches
hesitant kisses
*did i just dream you
or were you born human flesh
warmly delightful
*a wet tide rises
warm waves caress us bringing
pleasant weariness
*the taste of your tongue
adventuresome lips gainst mine
as we trade kisses
*we are yin and yang
each fulfilling the other
loving completeness
*his breath blows through her
a last chill thrills thrusting mounds
twin peaks arising
Thursday 20191024
*with my loving eyes
i caress body and soul
rapt with her beauty
*romance is not place
time nor activity
it is the person
*ice covered being
brittle... a tree in winter
please treat me gently
*things happened back then
stories too long to tell here
yet relived daily
*hands cannot touch all
so i caress you with words
proclaiming wonder
*the soft rise and fall
quiet breath beneath your breast
enchanting moment
*parting her soft reeds
seeking the honeyed petals
her hothouse flower
*hard and soft unite
secrets passed between the two
soft moans and sharp gasps
*her reeded delta
yields to my exploration
i disappear within
*her hands grasping sheets
gasping breaths filled with desires
thrashing with pleasure
Saturday 20191026
*I hear the earth songs,
The voices on the wind,
Singing of the trees,
Words made of
The sounds of coyote,
Bird, and bee,
I see the art of nature,
Paintings in green
And gold and blue,
Royal scarlet,
Colors beyond my palette,
To describe
In the rising
And setting of the sun,
The perfectly hewn
Statue of a flower,
A rabbit,
One tiny blackberry,
In colors and textures,
Which can be touched,
And breathed,
And tasted,
And remembered
Something no human
Artist nor poet can achieve.
*too full to contain
i pour myself over you
filling your desires
*exploring our love
the touches and tastes of you
endless addiction
*as soft falling snow
you touch me the gentlest way
leaving me wanting
*i see memories
we have not even made yet
wait their arrival
*future christmas
we kiss beneath some mistletoe
giving of ourselves
*why were you so long
i waited lifetimes for you
my hopes were dimming
*one ray of sunshine
parted the darkness of night
you are my sunrise
*we made love last night
as so many nights before
only in my dreams
*fingers like small pets
nuzzling nibbling pleasantly
within your warm nest
Sunday 20191027
*a moment with you
is a lifetime of loving
never forgotten
*i cannot resist
you simply being yourself
sweetest seduction
*you led me astray
but how i wanted you to
over and over
give me what i need
offer your sweetest nectar
quench my burning thirst
*shy morning blossom
blushing bud in the garden
dew on her petals
*warm silver honey
moonlight flavors her petals
exquisite delight
*if i could hold you
help you through this day and then
the ones that follow
*hidden messages
the secrets you trust me with
quietly treasured
Monday 20191028
Cradled in my arms you lie,
Head resting trustfully
As, your lover, I,
So lustfully,
Inflame my hot desires,
With tender loving touch
Yet strive to tame the fires
Which fill me with so much
Love and wanting
Stealing my rest
Your presence so haunting
As you lay upon my breast.
*perfect sucubus
welcome in my fitful dreams
take control of me
*attacked with kisses
she ripostes with caresses
we thrust through and through
*the waves roll over
bathing us in rising warmth
as we sink beneath
*we make sounds of love
visceral beyond mere words
fully understood
Tuesday 20191029
You would not understand,
Though you would try your best,
If I were to tell you all,
The past of me,
The dreams of me,
The past happiness
And present pain
That makes me me.
There's darkness in me
That you will never understand
Though you would try your best.
*there's a tide in me
like the roll of ocean waves
each time i see you
*i try to do right
if wanting you is not right
i fail willingly
*your flavor lingers
on my tongue and in my mind
constant reminder
*curly filaments
tickling my face and fingers
pleasant sin-sation
*your treasured goblet
brim full with love's honeyed mead
lifted to my lips
*share the erotic
tell me your best fantasies
then we'll act them out
*we have but minutes
to share lifetimes of desires
yet we do our best
*haunt my daring dreams
take a chance on love with one
who understands life
*my lips and your lips
wet and sharing love's sweet tastes
combining flavors
*as rain beats the roof
we dance to nature's rhythm
so sensually
*read you like a book
turning your pages with fingers
and loving touches
*beyond what's allowed
i will go that far with you
no reservations
Wednesday 20191030
*winks at me and smiles
teeth sinking into ripe fruit
nectar on her chin
*if you were perfect,
what would i then have to be?
perfect together.
*awake my desire
cover me as dawn rises
your body on mine
Thursday 20191031
*a hex upon me
bewitched by my own desires
and the lure of you
*hidden behind words
my touches and glances felt
lover with a pen
*twisted mass of love
heated and hammered anew
into poetry
*feel your blood grow warm
at the heat of words and gaze
and touch of my hand
the body grows old
skils and strengths all fade away
memory remains
*share your secret book
spread your leaves for poet's pen
become my poem
Copyright November 2019 by Donovan Baldwin
Friday 20191018
Old wooden boards
Cobbled together
Into a pathway
Across the marsh
Into the woods
Man built thing
Leading to the wild
Where we came
Where we must go
The place we
Cannot leave behind
Always a part of us
The human animal
Escaped from the wild
Seeking to return.
*beneath gliding stars
comets and astral eddies
in reverent awe
(Above haiku suggested by "Of the Nature of Things" by Titus Lucretius Carus)
*lights above the sea
beckoning weary sailors
home to safe harbors
*o'ermastered by love
posturing in mating dance
maddened by desire
*from those lips soft words
breaths and whispers promises
of carnal delights
*how hard it may be
to bend words to my designs
capturing your heart
*profane be my thoughts
though my true desires are pure
lust and love alike
Saturday 20191019
Standing up becomes steps,
A few steps becomes a walk,
That walk can become a journey,
Any journey can become an adventure,
And adventure becomes life...
And a reason to just stand up...
For sitting is only
For reading about...
The adventures of others.
*purpose of bright skies
assignment of silver moon
illuminate love
* old homer's ghost speaks
glory's tales and insane gods
as we listen rapt
*her rose a blossom
deliciously unfolding
softly in her dew
*want to tell your heart
things it can understand
behind all my words
*unwritten poem
words both silent and spoken
loving living rhyme
*sailing living seas
driven by thunderous storms
alive with daring
*at some other time
we knew and loved and then died
but our love did not
*i would climb her walls
see touch and taste her blossoms
within her garden
*may i write my words
loving fingers on your skin
spelling my desires
*poet weaves her tale
his dancer of poetry
living in his words
*mutual desires
each passionate urge woven
into love's own bonds
Sunday 20191020
(This poem suggested to my mind while reading "Walking" by Henry David Thoreau.)
I stack my books upon wooden shelves
Take them down and set them back,
One by one, picking and choosing
Thoughts and friends from among
Their aging pages,
But, for my own thoughts,
I will wander off somewhere,
Gazing at the green of grass,
The gold and brown of sunflowers,
The blue of water and of sky,
Beneath a gleaming sun
Or glowing moon.
*attack me with love
penetrate my defenses
which i cast aside
*love is not abstract
undefined yet positive
our sweet paradox
*streaming down my face
elixir of our desires
served up with grace
*where the body goes
too the heart that both may breathe
the warm summer wind
*twilight sensation
breeze of memories passing
brings sadness and joy
Monday 20191021
*lurking lover me
afraid to speak even breathe
for fear you'll vanish
*no land has woman
for she is her own country
to explore and love
*who tames a woman
if she does become docile
it is of her choice
*weakness of my heart.
at the thought of you, the sight...
all else fades away
Tuesday 20191022
It was party every night,
Wine and song and laughter
Flowed so freely,
The problems of the world
Ours to solve,
Without understanding,
For we were young and right,
And, could do no evil,
Never realizing that someday,
We would be causes of problems,
The young ones needed to solve.
*let's not make complex
this simple intricacy
referred to as love
*as lace caresses
reveals lovely hidden truth
my words cover you
*gleaming silver skin
moonlight etching light and dark
you its work of art
*our blossoms touching
in ardent pollination
life and love unite
*dawn flowers exposed
stretching out into the light
awakening me
*between two soft moons
i, solitary planet
place myself to rest
*peeling back layers
her blossom opens shyly
shows blushing beauty
*secrets appearing
as with a smile she reveals
what i've only dreamed
*plunging to her depths
bathing in her warm grotto
surfacing refreshed
*sounds of naked joy
laughing whispers in the dark
two lovers at play
Wednesday 10/23/2019
*tight within my arms
you're fitted to my body
every curve in place
*your hills and valleys
such luscious soft terrain
explored not conquered
*fantasies fulfilled
beginning with shy touches
hesitant kisses
*did i just dream you
or were you born human flesh
warmly delightful
*a wet tide rises
warm waves caress us bringing
pleasant weariness
*the taste of your tongue
adventuresome lips gainst mine
as we trade kisses
*we are yin and yang
each fulfilling the other
loving completeness
*his breath blows through her
a last chill thrills thrusting mounds
twin peaks arising
Thursday 20191024
*with my loving eyes
i caress body and soul
rapt with her beauty
*romance is not place
time nor activity
it is the person
*ice covered being
brittle... a tree in winter
please treat me gently
*things happened back then
stories too long to tell here
yet relived daily
*hands cannot touch all
so i caress you with words
proclaiming wonder
*the soft rise and fall
quiet breath beneath your breast
enchanting moment
*parting her soft reeds
seeking the honeyed petals
her hothouse flower
*hard and soft unite
secrets passed between the two
soft moans and sharp gasps
*her reeded delta
yields to my exploration
i disappear within
*her hands grasping sheets
gasping breaths filled with desires
thrashing with pleasure
Saturday 20191026
*I hear the earth songs,
The voices on the wind,
Singing of the trees,
Words made of
The sounds of coyote,
Bird, and bee,
I see the art of nature,
Paintings in green
And gold and blue,
Royal scarlet,
Colors beyond my palette,
To describe
In the rising
And setting of the sun,
The perfectly hewn
Statue of a flower,
A rabbit,
One tiny blackberry,
In colors and textures,
Which can be touched,
And breathed,
And tasted,
And remembered
Something no human
Artist nor poet can achieve.
*too full to contain
i pour myself over you
filling your desires
*exploring our love
the touches and tastes of you
endless addiction
*as soft falling snow
you touch me the gentlest way
leaving me wanting
*i see memories
we have not even made yet
wait their arrival
*future christmas
we kiss beneath some mistletoe
giving of ourselves
*why were you so long
i waited lifetimes for you
my hopes were dimming
*one ray of sunshine
parted the darkness of night
you are my sunrise
*we made love last night
as so many nights before
only in my dreams
*fingers like small pets
nuzzling nibbling pleasantly
within your warm nest
Sunday 20191027
*a moment with you
is a lifetime of loving
never forgotten
*i cannot resist
you simply being yourself
sweetest seduction
*you led me astray
but how i wanted you to
over and over
give me what i need
offer your sweetest nectar
quench my burning thirst
*shy morning blossom
blushing bud in the garden
dew on her petals
*warm silver honey
moonlight flavors her petals
exquisite delight
*if i could hold you
help you through this day and then
the ones that follow
*hidden messages
the secrets you trust me with
quietly treasured
Monday 20191028
Cradled in my arms you lie,
Head resting trustfully
As, your lover, I,
So lustfully,
Inflame my hot desires,
With tender loving touch
Yet strive to tame the fires
Which fill me with so much
Love and wanting
Stealing my rest
Your presence so haunting
As you lay upon my breast.
*perfect sucubus
welcome in my fitful dreams
take control of me
*attacked with kisses
she ripostes with caresses
we thrust through and through
*the waves roll over
bathing us in rising warmth
as we sink beneath
*we make sounds of love
visceral beyond mere words
fully understood
Tuesday 20191029
You would not understand,
Though you would try your best,
If I were to tell you all,
The past of me,
The dreams of me,
The past happiness
And present pain
That makes me me.
There's darkness in me
That you will never understand
Though you would try your best.
*there's a tide in me
like the roll of ocean waves
each time i see you
*i try to do right
if wanting you is not right
i fail willingly
*your flavor lingers
on my tongue and in my mind
constant reminder
*curly filaments
tickling my face and fingers
pleasant sin-sation
*your treasured goblet
brim full with love's honeyed mead
lifted to my lips
*share the erotic
tell me your best fantasies
then we'll act them out
*we have but minutes
to share lifetimes of desires
yet we do our best
*haunt my daring dreams
take a chance on love with one
who understands life
*my lips and your lips
wet and sharing love's sweet tastes
combining flavors
*as rain beats the roof
we dance to nature's rhythm
so sensually
*read you like a book
turning your pages with fingers
and loving touches
*beyond what's allowed
i will go that far with you
no reservations
Wednesday 20191030
*winks at me and smiles
teeth sinking into ripe fruit
nectar on her chin
*if you were perfect,
what would i then have to be?
perfect together.
*awake my desire
cover me as dawn rises
your body on mine
Thursday 20191031
*a hex upon me
bewitched by my own desires
and the lure of you
*hidden behind words
my touches and glances felt
lover with a pen
*twisted mass of love
heated and hammered anew
into poetry
*feel your blood grow warm
at the heat of words and gaze
and touch of my hand
the body grows old
skils and strengths all fade away
memory remains
*share your secret book
spread your leaves for poet's pen
become my poem
Copyright November 2019 by Donovan Baldwin
Labels: donovan baldwin, haiku, love, poems, poet, poetry