Friday, December 20, 2024



I look into the void
Selecting words with care,
Strong enough to withstand,
The cold of rejection,
Or the fires of desire,
Honest enough to change,
Without changing meaning,
For they are forged with love,
Brought by gods and goddesses,
Who taught how to make
Malleable metal into
Silken webs of words
To capture and hold
Heart's desires.


naked in moonlight
shining silver secrets black
wishing he could see


afraid to answer
holds her breath in silent hope
poet hears heartbeats


goddess of desire
flesh and bone and arch and sigh
embrace that's love itself


amazing such soft words
draped and dragged across her skin
could be so arousing


you know i watch for you
your thoughts make my poetry
have reason and purpose


so many years passed
since i last believed in love
some scars not yet healed


never knew love as a child
found it once as an adult
tossed it away certain
i would find love again
but never did...
if you find it
hold onto it
or it might not
appear again


somewhere beyond braille
lies the ability to taste, to feel,
the rising symbols of desire,
the unwritten responses
the pouring out of inks
as passion's catalysts
blend and bind, words
becoming sweet desserts,
of delicious tinctures
intended to be devoured
she shivers with delight as
his lips and tongue make haste
to read the love words
pouring from her skin


bound with see-through words
stationary as she swallows
a pouring of poetry


my single tattoo
invisible to all but me
your mark on my heart


i've abandoned love
left it in the place it left me
perhaps someone will find it


quirky sense of humor
i even laugh at funerals
except my own of course


watching you watch the pen in my hand
the words striking your skin like a candle's wax,
the way you rise in anticipation of the next...
the arch and quiver as each strikes,
the panting gasp the guttural growl
as the kitten becomes tigress in need
begging for the next burning pleasure
to leave its mark on naked flesh


he's slowly dying
soon only words all that remains
and they too will fade


his words upon her
she appears gladly startled
at how they touch her


when mind and body need
without planning or direction
fingers know her wants


glad surprise as he
arrives unexpectedly
joins in her pleasure


forget the others
trust the one for whom you shine
smiles because you exist


do what you desire
your joy and pleasure means most to me
your happiness is mine


i'll never be jealous
if you're living true desires
honest with yourself and me


gods invented pleasure
made it a sin for mortals...


Donovan Baldwin


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Thursday, December 19, 2024



Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the body either cannot produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone essential for regulating blood sugar levels, and its imbalance can lead to serious health complications. This article delves into the types, causes, symptoms, and management of diabetes.

Types of Diabetes

  1. Type 1 Diabetes: An autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. It usually develops in childhood or adolescence and requires daily insulin therapy.

  2. Type 2 Diabetes: The most common form, it occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or the pancreas cannot produce enough. It is often linked to lifestyle factors, such as obesity and inactivity.

  3. Gestational Diabetes: Develops during pregnancy and typically resolves after childbirth, though it increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later.

  4. Prediabetes: A condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes. It serves as a warning sign and an opportunity for early intervention.

Causes and Risk Factors

While the exact causes of diabetes vary by type, common factors include genetics, lifestyle choices, and certain medical conditions. Risk factors include:


Recognizing the symptoms early can help in managing diabetes effectively. Common symptoms include:


If left unmanaged, diabetes can lead to severe complications, including:

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diabetes is diagnosed through blood tests, including fasting blood sugar, oral glucose tolerance tests, and HbA1c levels. Once diagnosed, the treatment plan often includes:

Prevention and Management

While Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, Type 2 and gestational diabetes can often be avoided through healthy lifestyle choices. Here are some tips:

  1. Healthy Eating: Focus on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

  2. Regular Exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week.

  3. Weight Management: Maintain a healthy weight to reduce the risk.

  4. Routine Check-Ups: Regular medical check-ups can help detect early signs and prevent progression.

Living with Diabetes

Managing diabetes requires a proactive approach and support from healthcare professionals, family, and friends. Technological advancements, such as continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps, have made it easier to live well with diabetes.

In conclusion, diabetes is a manageable condition with the right knowledge, care, and lifestyle adjustments. Early detection and consistent management are key to reducing complications and maintaining a high quality of life. By understanding the condition and taking preventive measures, individuals can lead healthier lives even with a diabetes diagnosis.



Wednesday, December 18, 2024




Until I learned German and went to Germany, I assumed that everybody had the same thoughts, the same way, just in their own language.

Oddly enough, it was sounds, not actual words, that made me begin to understand that thought itself could influenced by the "language" of the person.

In language school we were told that when a German dropped something, they did not say "oops", but, said "hoopla". It seemed strange to me that they would actually make that sound instead of the "natural", in English, of course, sound of "oops".

The first time I ate in the mess hall (dining facility) at my duty station in Germany, one of the German ladies who worked there dropped some dishes, and, sure enough, laughed and said, "Hoopla".

It was more of a revelation to me about the power of language than anything else I learned studying two languages and living in Europe for six years.

So, just for fun, what kinds of animals say wau-wau, kikeriki, and iaah in German?

Dog (bow wow), rooster (cockadoodle doo), mule or horse (hee haw).

Same animals, sounding different to different ears. Makes me wonder if the thoughts sound different too.


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Tuesday, December 17, 2024



By Ron Hicks
two sad lovers cursed

their most powerful desires

cannot defeat fate


two tidal lovers

a sea of exclamations

a pounding of waves


below the surface

it's so sweet resting down here

in your soul's ocean


mid shadows of fire

there among the leaping flames

your image dances


powerful her tides

strong the waves which cast about

we entwined lovers


i cannot be one

my helmet and my rifle

as true as my pen


kissing your closed eyes

telling you secrets with touches

smiling at your smile


Donovan Baldwin


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Sunday, December 15, 2024




What Do the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Have to Say About Aging

Basically, th U.S. population is undergoing a quiet revolution, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  They predict that by 2030, the U. S. population aged 65 and older will reach about 71 million.  This is roughly double the present number.

As those of us who are already classified as seniors know, the CDC recognizes the increasing health and financial burdens which begin to accrue with age.  Also, there is a diminished quality of life and risk of disease and/or long-term illness.

However, as I have often pointed out in this blog and in other articles, many of which have been published on other websites, and on my website at, not all of the negative expectations, which are real, need be as negative as most people assume.

Again, the CDC and I are in agreement, they based on research and me based on my own life experiences.

A great amount of the very real illness, disability, and death which go hand-in-hand with the normal progress of aging can be controlled, at least to some extent, and, in some cases, be reversed.  The most common steps towards healthy aging do not require extreme measures or esoteric potions or nostrums.  

The CDC and I agree that some of the best steps to take include regular exercise, proper nutrition, avoiding dangerous habits such as tobacco use, proper sleep and rest, and regular medical checkups.

There are a lot of things about aging that make life hard, but we don't have to make life harder to effectively administer our own personally designed anti-aging program.


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Saturday, December 14, 2024



Child of the ocean,

Boy of the wind and wave,

Bending trees beneath him,

Burning naked beneath the sun,

Taught poetry by nature,

By promises written on

The horizon of The endless sea,

Which became his mistress,

And, with words, his desire.


caught him watching

never thought herself sexy

until that moment


merely a poet

who's learned to remain hidden

only his words wanted


At my age,

It's seldom about

Feeling good.

More likely

Feeling better,

Than yesterday.

Since yesterday

I might have felt like...

Well, you know.

Feeling better than that,

Might still NOT be

Feeling good.


dawn's sensuous rise

love gloriously displayed

over earth's oceans


she brings me flowers

offering them with a smile

beside which they pale


we smile together

when we hear the ocean's song

though so far apart


touched so many times

gentle smile and loving words

i seek every day


ocean or fountain

i seek out a water nymph

to share poetry


the more words she read

the more that she realized

that he wrote for her


was it you or me

first saw the written poems

as our love letters


ocean between us

joining not separating

singing us its song


some words frighten her

yet they fill his poetry

and make her wonder


redder than a rose

she's more brightly blossoming

by singing waters


i await your touch

even if only in words

to know you read this


Only a story,

A tale on the night wind,

A dancer by the fire,

Or sitting with me watching,

As life unfolds and becomes poetry,

Unconventional images stepping

Into the light,

Summoning us into the shadows

Where we may make love in private,

With words and touches,

And sigh and moans.


At first adrift,

She gathers speed,

Sailing towards

Her ocean's edge...

Drawing back,


The next foray,

Each new adventure,

Again and again,

The next turn

Of her tide


The ocean swells,

And she, swept on,

By the power of each

Successive wave,

Falls over the edge,

Into ecstatic oblivion.


Sometimes it's hard to care

Without someone to care with.

It's lonely among people,

Who have no clue of who you are,

And would stare at you as they

Backed away if they did know...

It's a life full of echoes, when,

Only you understand yourself,

Or care...

Comes back to that...





I've got lots.

Wish you had some,


Echoes again,

Just echoes.


his cursive etchings

true love graven in her skin

delight in each curve


ecstatic climax

as everything that she is

unites for pleasure


quivers with pleasure

the  words thar stripped her naked

filling needs and wants


takes hold of his words

in her mind they come alive

touching her inside


murmuring his words

like love's liquid in her mouth

tasted drop by drop


she sacrifices

dies a little death for him

for herself as well


By Donovan Baldwin


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Friday, December 13, 2024




There are some things that cannot be changed, and your genetic inheritance is one of them.  If you are at risk for high cholesterol due to the genetic makeup inherited from your ancestors, then that is a fact.

This is of concern because high cholesterol puts you at risk for heart disease and heart attacks.  Often, cholesterol must be controlled with medications, However, at already at a high cholesterol level or not, on medication or not, you can usually lower your cholesterol levels by several points by making some simple lifestyle changes.  

1.  Get Regular Exercise:  Participating in regular physical activity such as gardening, walking, or swimming, or in a formal exercise program, has several well-documented health benefits.  Some of these benefits affect your cholesterol levels indirectly or from another angle, but exercise can reduce cholesterol levels itself.  Even something as simple as squeezing in a few short exercise sessions daily can help produce results.

2.  Lose Weight:  It has been shown that losing as little as 10 lbs can help reduce cholesterol levels, and exercise is one of the more effective strategies for healthy weight loss.  That's one of the indirect aspects of exercise mentioned earlier.

3.  Eat Right:  Hey!  Here we go again.  Healthy eating helps promote weight loss.  Healthy weight loss can help encourage interest in exercise, as can getting the proper nutrition.

A general rule of thumb for healthy eating is that the closer to the source the food is, usually the better for you it is.  Get rid of trans fats generally found in fried foods and bakery products.  Select lean cuts of meat, low fat dairy products, and exercise portion control.  Eat a wide range of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  By all means, read the labels!  Pick foods with lower cholesterol levels.  For example, I was buying one brand of a certain product I used daily until I read the label and found that it had a much higher cholesterol level than another brand which provided the same nutrients.

4.  Keep Alcohol Consumption at Low Levels:  It has been found that a low level of alcohol consumption, generally no more than one or two drinks a day, can be of some health benefit and can help increase "good" cholesterol.  Red wine has an ingredient, resveratrol, which apparently helps protect cells against the effects of aging.  However, high levels of alcohol consumption can lead to serious health problems, including high blood pressure, heart failure and stroke. 

5.  Don't Smoke:  As an ex-smoker, I cannot beat on this drum enough!  If you already smoke, stopping smoking can improve your HDL cholesterol level. The health benefits don't end there, either. Only 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your blood pressure decreases. Then within 24 hours, your risk of a heart attack begins to decrease. Within just one year, your risk of heart disease is already down to half that of a smoker. It gets even better.  Within 15 years, your risk of heart disease is similar to someone who never smoked.

Generally, lifestyle changes don't cause huge decreases in cholesterol levels, but, given time, they will, in most cases, produce results.  However, as mentioned earlier, some people may need medication to actually reduce cholesterol levels effectively.  Even in those instances, it is still in the individual's best interest to include the lifestyle choices as a part of their plan for good health overall and cholesterol control in particular.


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