Monday, October 16, 2006
Blogging for Dollars
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
How Writers Use Article Directories To Make Money
First of all, if you haven't been marketing on the Internet recently, you might not even know what an article directory is! A simple definition is that an article directory is a site which specializes in hosting articles. The articles are written by folks like you and me, and posted there. Most commonly the writer will have a byline included, usually at the bottom, and in this byline will be the contact information of the writer. In most instances, a link to a website will be included.
Now, just because you might be reading this AT an article directory doesn't mean that this is the only place the article winds up. The author may have posted it on a blog or turned it into a webpage or sent it out to a mailing list as well.
However, let’s talk about the articles on the article directories and the writer's purpose for posting the article or articles. What are the possible benefits of posting these articles?
Obviously, if the writer's goal is simply to gain recognition as a writer or to satisfy a desire "to be published", an article directory fills the bill. While most directories are adamant that the material be the writer's own work, they are seldom very demanding editors otherwise. Therefore, even a very amateur writer can get a piece of work "published". Since many of these sites ARE high traffic areas, visited by people seeking information and/or articles they might be able to use, there IS an opportunity for a writer to be "recognized".
However, one of the most common goals driving many writers to post articles at article directories these days is simply the desire to make money.
Remember that link at the bottom of the article or wherever the byline may be? It is becoming more common for people to write articles about subjects related to their business, or a business of which they are an affiliate, and then place a link to that website of that business in their byline, or, as it is sometimes called, "resource box".
Here's how these articles help the writer make money.
1. People who read the articles may follow the link to the writer's website and make a purchase.
2. By writing well, and often, on a subject, a writer may gain stature as an "expert" on the subject. This can serve to enhance his or her professional image and allow the writer to suggest products or services with an air of authority. People will be more likely to react favorably to the advice of an expert than an anonymous website which asks them to buy something.
3. Most article sites allow the article to be copied on other websites or in emails as long as the writer's byline and link or links are left intact. Thus, an article posted on one site has the chance of being posted on several sites, not only increasing the amount of human traffic which may see and follow the link, but also...
4. Having the writer's link on multiple sites can enhance the ranking of the writer's website in some search engines. Increased ranking means more visibility, which means more visits to the website, which means more interested humans who may purchase the writer's product or service, or join their business opportunity.
A writer can also enhance the effect of their article and link by posting their article at multiple sites and by creating multiple articles on the same or related subjects. A good site to start with is EzineArticles.com.
As you can guess, submitting articles manually to each site CAN become a bit tiring, and is quite time consuming. There are several services, such as SubmitYourArticle.com, which, for a fee, will submit a certain number of articles a month to several different article directories. Since many article directories get the articles which are published on THEIR sites by going to some of these sites, it is possible for a good article, with its author's link attached, to experience exponential distribution around the internet.
About The Author:
Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer and network marketing professional. A graduate of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, he became interested in internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters.
Learn another way to make money online at http://donsdomains.ws/.
NOTE: You have full permission to reprint this
article within your website or newsletter as long
as you leave the article fully intact and include
the "About The Author" resource box. Thanks! :-)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Is Low Self Esteem Holding You Back From Success?
By Donovan Baldwin
The first step in improving your self esteem has to be within. You must be determined to improve this situation and be willing to take the steps necessary to begin improving this situation. You must also accept the fact that self-esteem is something that CAN be raised intentionally.
There is no need for low self-esteem to continue to rule your life. You can take control of your thoughts and change how you perceive yourself.
So, what are some indicators of low self-esteem? See if any of these thoughts continually run through your head.
1. "People don't like me."
2. "I can't do anything right."
3. "I'm ugly."
4. "People don't listen to me."
5. "I'm always saying stupid things"
6. "I always make the wrong decision."
7. "My life is a mess and I can't do anything about it."
Remember, these are only thoughts. In many ways, life is going to GIVE you what YOU believe you deserve. What you THINK your neighbor feels about you is immaterial. What you believe about yourself is what is important.
If you want to exchange your low self-esteem for high self-esteem, you cannot just think about doing it. You have to act, and there's no reason not to start right now. Start by believing that you CAN change all these thoughts and feelings, and that making this change will change who you are and what life has in store for you.
Start with this understanding; everyone things those thoughts at some time or another. If you think those sorts of things in the future, you are not thinking about an ultimate truth. You are simply thinking a thought that is a reaction to some moment in time. Who you are is not determined by that thought.
Here's an example. Let's say I buy a lottery ticket with five numbers. That night, when they draw the winning numbers, the first four numbers are numbers I have. Then they draw the fifth number, but it is not my number. Will I feel disappointment? Of course I will. I lost! Okay, I didn't LOSE; I just wasn't the winner...in that drawing. Does that make me a loser? Of course it doesn't. A mistake you made, or think you made, a snub you got from someone, or think you got, doesn't make you a loser either. Even if you are right and you DID make a mistake or someone DID snub you, that doe not mean that everyone will snub you or that you will always make mistakes.
Just like in the little scenario above, people will often get close to success and then miss the target. In many cases, however, they miss, not because someone drew a different number than the one they wanted, but because they threw away the ticket before the drawing was finished. Many people will throw away their ticket in life's lottery even though they have four of the five numbers needed. They just cannot conceive of having the fifth number be the one they need.
Well, life is NOT a lottery, although there is an element of chance to it. Like a poker game, while all at the table are subject to the laws of chance, a better poker player tends to have more "luck" at the table. One of the skills a good poker player must have, as Kenny Rogers says, is to "Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run." A good poker player must also know that just because he or she won or lost the last hand. That has nothing to do with what is going to happen when the cards are shuffled and dealt again.
When we are talking about exchanging low self-esteem for high self-esteem, we are talking about learning when to let go, when to hold on, or when to walk or run away. More importantly, we are talking about the skills needed for the game of life, skills that can be learned and improved. We are also talking about realizing that each individual life event is NOT a definition of who we are.
So many times I have spoken to someone with low self-esteem after something has happened that they have added to their list of disappointments. I find two points about most of these events.
1. The person with low self-esteem may interpret a completely normal or even highly positive event as a failure
2. They focus so completely on the event that they lose sight of who they really are and what they have to offer.
A person with low self esteem will be looking for negative signs in an event, conversation, or activity. Since they are expecting outcomes to be negative, if they cannot see a real negative item, they will either invent one or interpret a positive one as a negative. As an n example, think about someone who believes that I am about to hit them. I may see that they are about to be hit by a bus, and grab for them to pull them to safety. They may see my sudden move as an attack because they are already thinking that that is what they must expect from me. They may jerk away and be hit by the bus because they were already predisposed to interpret what I did in a certain way.
One of the most common experiences I have with people who have low self-esteem is that they look only at the negative experience and use that to judge themselves completely. Often, I have begun to recite a litany of good points about them or valuable things they have done, only to have them brighten up, look at me and say, "That's right! I did do that, didn't I? I didn't think about that."
Low self-esteem is going to originate in the interpretation of a few events as being the definition of who and what you are.
To change from low self-esteem to high self-esteem, you must:
1. Realize that self-esteem, high or low, is a judgment you have made about yourself.
2. Low self-esteem is based on judgments generally made on the spot at a negative moment.
3. Self-esteem CAN be changed, and you are the only one who can change it.
Decide to make the change. Write down all the negative things that are true about you. Don't write down the negative things you THINK about yourself. Write down what is true. Don't say, "People don't like me." That's what you think. Write down, "I insult people when I see them." That is a fact.
Then, write down the positive facts about yourself. "I like people, but they don't like me." is wrong. "I like people" is a fact, and that is what you need to look at.
When your list is done, you will probably find more positive facts than negative, unless you are an ax-murderer or something. This tells you that you are a good person and deserve good from life. Take a look at the negative facts and decide how you can change them. Take a look at the positive items and decide how you can use them to make your life better.
You can exchange low self-esteem for high self-esteem. Quit worrying about how others perceive you. Live your good qualities and revel in the good and wonderful person you are. Take joy in the pleasure you give others, and your self-esteem will shoot through the roof.
You ARE a great person.
Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer and network marketing professional. A graduate of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, he became interested in internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. He offers this home business idea for your consideration.
Do you need to get a domain name? Register a domain name at http://www.donovanbaldwin.com/domain/get_name.html.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donovan_Baldwin