Friday, January 31, 2025




Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Years ago, I learned of the "Mozart Effect", which, in its simplest form, stated that listening to certain works by Mozart could (some said, "would") produce beneficial effects on mood, and even intelligence.

A little deeper look showed that this is still unproven, although temporary improvement on some intelligence tests HAS been experienced...about 15 minutes, in what I have read.

My point, however, is not to push this, OR pick this apart.

I feel good when I listen to Mozart, and other types of music, including Country Western, classical, big band era, and the occasional rock and roll pieces. But then, I was raised in the 1950s in the South of the U.S. where such music was common and popular, so, perhaps it's not the music as much as the connection to happy days, places, people, and times.

Many people tell me they enjoy "music", but, they mention R&B, Reggae, Techno, Heavy Metal, and genres which would make ME leave the room (he said politely).

We like what we like.

Our "like" is not always the only one, or the "best" one, but the best for us, and good things make us feel better, enjoy life more, and, in a way, I guess, pay more attention..

However, what we find joyful and beautiful, may be torturer tools to someone else. I try to respect that.

I knew a woman who told me, "I get sad and want to kill myself" when she heard Country Western.

I couldn't stand the music she liked.

We were friends.


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